Saturday’s Critters – Trailcam Madness

I had the trailcam out for quite a while. I have hundreds of videos and stills showing the feeder blowing back and forth in the wind. Here is a mob of birds.


And a couple of doves swooping in to an empty feeder.

And some old retired guy with a funny hat mowing his yard.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!!

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters.

6 thoughts on “Saturday’s Critters – Trailcam Madness

  1. Eileen

    Hello Yogi,
    I enjoy seeing the birds at your feeders, the doves are sweet.
    My hubby decided to hire a lawn cutting service.
    Thanks for the critter post, I did not see your link yet.
    Have a great day and Happy Mother’s day to your wife.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller

    …we have many squirrels visiting my birdfeeder. I’m retired and mow the lawn without a funny hat.

  3. DrillerAA

    I think a trail camera would be great fun. We have a couple of suirrels, bunnies, and the occasional possum wandering through the yard. When we lived in Bella Vista, we had too many species of birds to count, deer, raccoons, chipmunks and all sorts of wildlife running in the green space behind the house. I miss that house some days, but not when I have to mow. Our current home has a smaller, flatter yard and is much easier to care for. By the way, how do you like the electric lawnmower?

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