Welcome Home Soldier


Fellow blogger Linda of 7MSN Ranch posted a link last Sunday to a series of videos of dogs greeting their owners upon their arrival home from Iraq or Afghanistan. The video above is just one of a whole bunch of similar videos. If you like to see soldiers returning home safely from war (Who doesn’t? No matter what country they live in.) and you love dogs, these videos are a must see.

Do you have a dog? Are they glad when you come home? Do you think they would remember you after a year or two?

8 thoughts on “Welcome Home Soldier

  1. Sunny

    This is a great post, I love the videos.
    Our dog, Lucy gets so excited to see us even if it’s only been a short time…like minutes! You can’t imagine how she acts when my husband comes home from work, I should make a video! I think dogs remember us even after a long period of time.
    Sunny 🙂

  2. Baloney

    That’s why I love dogs. I think they are almost as enthusiastic to see you as they are to see me. I don’t care. It’s just nice to be loved.

  3. mountain.mama

    I think I just saw this one someone’s facebook page. I love it because I love dogs. Our little schnauzer Skipper is so excited when someone comes home and he howls Arooooooooooo a lot. Someday when he is gone it will seem very, very quiet.

  4. ♥Kathy♥

    I saw this video at YouTube. It really does tug at the heart strings. The guy said he was surprised at how many people had watched his video. We have only had one animal who would set waiting at the door for us when we got home everyday and that was Fluffy.

  5. Janie

    great video! Our dogs have always had outstanding long term memories, for scent if not for sight. They’d put their nose on one of our grown kids who had been gone for months, and the dogs were immediately in ecstasy.

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