Dog Park

Tulsa has a new dog park “Biscuit Acres” in Hunter Park on 91st street between Yale and Sheridan. It is the place to be now in South Tulsa. It is so popular that the parking lot is almost full in evenings. If you wish to know When Should I Start Training My Dog? here are some answers from experts.

They have two areas. One area for large dogs (over 30 pounds) and another area for small dogs.Therefore, everyone should try this accordingly.  The park is staffed by volunteers and the rules are few (no children under 12, whick is a bummer, clean up your dogs messes, and no food or squeaky toys- we don’t want a squeaky toy riot do we?) The park is clean and well kept. The volunteer there told us that the grass is in great shape despite no irrigation because the fireman from the nearby station show up every morning with their tank truck and water the entire area. Thumbs up for our firemen!

If you like dogs the park will bring a smile to your face. They run free and socialize freely and have a great time. When you show up, you and your pets get checked out by the other dogs.

Our mutts, Ginger and Abby, have been only twice. They are interested but stick very close to Sweetie’s apron strings.


Eventually they got enough courage to go explore a little. Abby is on the left, Ginger on the right.

Abby and Ginger

Abby found a cute 3 month old Shih Tzu male, Parker, to paly with.

Abby and Parker

Abby made some new human friends also.


We’ll be back!

7 thoughts on “Dog Park

  1. Alyssa:

    I would love to take my dogs there–but now that I’m a stay-at-home mommy of a 2, 4 and 6 year olds, it’s not really feasible. Maybe some weekend. Thanks for letting us midtowners know (otherwise I wouldn’t have made the trip out south). :)-hee hee!

  2. Janie

    Abby and Ginger are so cute.
    Seems like a great idea to separate large from small dogs. This looks like a great place for man’s best friend to socialize with others of his kind.

  3. Baloney

    I’m going to bring the giant beasts from the Baloney household someday. Maybe after school starts since I can’t bring the kidlets.

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