14 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – A bare glimpse of blue sky

  1. Kathy

    Lets hope spring is on the way. Suppose to have spring time storms this weekend. Great photo. Love the way the sun shines through the clouds.

  2. Laughing Orca Ranch

    Where is it?? Where is it?
    Oh THERE it is!
    A pretty little sliver of blue sky!

    Happy Sky Watch!

    We’ve had temps in the 70’s all week. But snowstorms are returning this weekend. A storm is brewing in the Pacific Ocean…..

    New Mexico

  3. Pat - An Arkansas Stamper

    The skies have looked much like that around here this week. I’m really hoping for some much warmer weather, although (they say) the temperature climbed into the 50’s today. Whatever.. my house and bones are chilly.

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