The Yogi family ventured downtown to the Hub Cap, I mean the BOK Center, to see the Harlem Globetrotters. We had a good time. They are still doing the same corny gags they have been doing since I was a kid. They are a lot better athletes though.
SuperPizzaBoy was not a fan for the underdog, Washington Generals. He was very partisan in his cheers. He is turning into a little ham.
Love the pics! I so need to take the beans to a globe trotters game! I just added some night time pics of the BOK cebter taken off the roof of the BOK tower…oh Dawn and I nom’d you for the okie bloggies awards in the cultural cat!
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It’s crustygasguy at last! Nice family pix, and you answered a question that’s been swirling around in my head lately–the Harlem Globetrotters are alive and well.