A Skywatch Friday Running and Geocaching Ramble

Wednesday night I had a kitchen pass so toook advantage of it to do some multitasking. I was going to do my two favorite hobbies running and geocaching at my favorite place, Tulsa’s River Parks, a network of trails and parks along both banks of the Arkansas River which runs through town.

Tulsa Power Station

I parked at the soccer fields on  the west bank. West Tulsa is where all the dirty, smelly, nasty industrial stuff in Tulsa is located like the power plant above and the refinery below. The sky views are just as nice if you don’t mind power lines, distillation columns, and smoke stacks.


The dirty smelly nasty stuff on the west bank is what provides the money for all the nice stuff on the east bank like chic shopping centers, the opera, the museums, and all the rest. But please don’t be rude and say so if you visit.


I headed down the river and made several stops looking for geocaches. Geocachers, fishermen, and homeless people pretty much end up in the same places like this little cove in the Arkansas River where you have a good view of downtown.


Or this little view across the river framed by some trees.


We have some weather coming in Thursday. We are told it my snow in Tulsa. In May!! Stuff like this didn’t happen before Obama became President. Anybody else besides me notice that? 


A couple of the caches I was looking for were hid in the rip rap. The clue said “Rocks” do you see it? It took me a while.


This doesn’t have anything to do with anything. I just love construction equipment. If I had a gazillion dollars I’d still be driving my Kia Soul but I would definitely have one of these puppys in my back yard. What would I do with it you ask? I don’t mind telling you. I would dig holes with it and then fill them back up. That’s what I would do.


Back at the soccer fields. Time to get home. I had a very nice outing.
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30 thoughts on “A Skywatch Friday Running and Geocaching Ramble

  1. Daryl

    the snow in may is courtesy of the Republicans in the most disfunctional Congress of all time … they are only doing what their Lobbyists want … the ski lobby insists snow should fall through the end of spring ….

  2. Barb

    I think you needed the backhoe to dig up the cache! It is cold and blustery here t Bryce but at least no snow. Friends E-mailed that there are 16 ” of fresh in Breck and still snowing. Very spotty internet here but managed to enjoy your skies!

  3. DrillerAA09

    If I had a gazillion dollars I would definitely have me a Bobcat front end loader on track. I think they are just the coolest piece of equipment ever. I could do some serious landscaping with one. Nice post. Thanks for taking us along on the run. I need a nap now.

  4. Carver

    Beautiful captures of the sky, land and water. Possibly the weather changes you notice since Obama is President are caused by not having all the Bush presidency hot air. Sorry you handed that one to me.

  5. Sandy Carlson

    Snow in Tulsa in May. I can’t get my brain around that. Your world is so very beautiful with those leaves and light. I sure hope the snow scrams!

  6. Sleepshort

    Some very revealing shots, and a delightfully sharp and witty commentary. Thanks for this. I enjoyed it a lot.
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Sylvia K

    You’ve got some really gorgeous captures here for the day! And thanks for the giggles this evening!! I was in need of them!! But I’m with Susie as far as Obama and the snow are concerned!! Silly boy!! A really fun post and terrific captures as well! My, my, you are the talented one!!

  8. Luna Miranda

    LOL i enjoyed your commentary. dig holes and fill ’em up–sounds like my 5-year old nephew.:p we hope he’s not going to be a miner!

    fabulous photos.

  9. Ellen

    So Obama is the one responsible for the May snow. That never occured to me before, I should have known.

    Tulsa seems to be a very beautiful city. Glad you got an evening to enjoy the trails and river.

  10. AVCr8teur

    Seems like you got lots of exercise running here and there looking for treasures. You got your adventure in before the snow and we’re having a heatwave!

  11. Leedslass

    This was a good post and you are so witty. However, and there’s always a “however” from me, why would you want to spend your days making and filling in holes? I don’t think Sweetie would be very pleased with that sort of activity in her garden.
    Nice to hear some other place is having “odd” weather – we’ve had a little sunshine and it’s forecast for the next four days – now THAT’S ODD.

  12. DeniseinVA

    Great series of photos here, and I enjoyed your ramble. Geocaching is something I’d like to talk my husband into. It sounds like a lot of fun.

  13. EG CameraGirl

    Great time of day to be out by the river! I wonder what Sweetie would say if you brought some construction equipment home to your backyard. Yep, I’m definitely wondering.

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