ABC Wednesday “J”

This week is “J” I think. Last time I played I used the wrong letter. Everybody was very nice and not a single person corrected me. Photoblogville is truly a very nice corner of the internet especially during this election season. You want to get scorched go to Facebook and say what you really feel. Photoblogs and their memes are exactly what old Al Gore had in mind when he invented the internet back when.

Anyways, J has to be July 4th right? I have over 23,000 photographs on Flickr that I have personally taken. The J’s are mainly July 4th. I mean my niece Jillian has a bunch but, oh what the heck here is one of my niece Jillian.


That’s Jillian and her husband Brian. They got married last year. Jillian is a sweetheart, her husband is a real nice guy. I’m her uncle so I know stuff like that.

Oh, back to July 4th, July 4th means fireworks.


Here I am showing how to get properly set up for watching Fireworks. You gotta have a patriotic shirt, you just have to. Please don’t show up on the fourth of July wearing the Union Jack. Not in Oklahoma anyway.


So here we go!


You know, even though I’m a guy, I read the manual on my camera before we went. It says that on the fireworks mode you hold the button down and let the camera decide when the shot is over. It made all the difference in the world. Now, guys, don’t take this a license to start reading manuals if confused and asking directions when lost. Guys just don’t do that kind of stuff generally, especially here in Oklahoma. Maybe in some place like Vermont it is okay, or British Columbia. Not here, no sir.


Hold on, just one more.


And that’s our show for tonight folks.

ABC Wednesday

17 thoughts on “ABC Wednesday “J”

  1. Reader Wil

    Great post and the fireworks are really very good! At New Year ‘s Eve we always try to take fireworks photos, but… They are always a kind of blur.
    Have a great week!
    Wil, ABC Team

  2. Impulsive Addict

    Beautiful pic of your niece, Jillian (great name too) and you couldn’t look any happier on July 4th if you tried. That’s how I look when I make my weekly trip to Hellmart. 😉

  3. Hazel

    A beautiful niece with a nice good guy for a husband and a doting uncle – world peace is secured! 🙂

    Thanks for dropping by my nook.

  4. GW Bill Miller

    I have struggled trying to get good shots of fireworks displays. You know, it never occurred to me to trad the manual. Is that cheating? I will have to try that. Great shots anyway.

  5. Leedslass

    Does that mean if I wear a Union Jack blouse I would not be welcome in Oklahoma? Not that I own a UJ blouse you understand, simply asking so that I know the house rules.

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