ABC Wednesday – “H” is for …..



Our son, SuperPizzaBoy, participates in Hippotherapy at Rogers State University’s Bit by  Bit Therapeutic Riding Program.

Hippotherapy 2

Under a carefully controlled and safe environment SPB and his fellow students go through a series of exercises while on horseback. SPB loves it.

Hippotherapy 3

Of course, you more knowledgeable readers spotted that SPB is actually riding a mule. Meet Jed, SPB’s mule. The program requires many volunteers to be lead the animal and be outriders for the participants. Other volunteers help take care of the animals and keep their stalls clean. We are appreciative for all these volunteers. The program wouldn’t be possible without them.

ABC Wednesday

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13 thoughts on “ABC Wednesday – “H” is for …..

  1. Gaelyn

    SPB looks much more confident on that steady and sure-footed mule. The preferred animal to ride into Grand Canyon. Could be a goal. This is a wonderful program.

  2. Impulsive Addict

    WHAT? That’s a mule? I would have lost a big bet on that one. I need to research this further. It totally looks like a horse.

    But he sure does look good up there!!

  3. Marie

    What a wonderful program! The mule sure looks like a gentle creature. I bet your son had a good (as well as beneficial) time!

  4. Ellen

    Yay for Jed, SPB, hippotherapy, and volunteers! The outside of a horse is good for the inside of boy. By the way, how tall is my nephew now? He is looking very grown up. Wow!

  5. Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti

    Hi Yogi!

    It looks like SPB enjoys his ride! I’m glad that so many volunteers help out–I’m sure they get a lot out of it too.

    I enjoyed your geo caching post below–I’ve often wondered what that was all about!

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