2011 Tulsa Run 15K

Saturday I ran in the 34th Tulsa Run 15K Race. It was my 18th. It is the one race that I never miss.


One of these days my streak is going to break. Oh well, a year at a time. Over the 18 years I am on my third generation of co-runners. It seems people start running in their late 20’s or so and do it for about five or six years before getting bored with it and quitting. I intend to run for as long as I can.


We used to have a large contingent of Army guys  from Fort Sill that would run in formation and chant. That was cool, especially downtown when their chants would echo off the buildings. They have been in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for us. Today we had the guy above and a few soldiers. However a unit of the Air National Guard based out of Tulsa, the 138th Fighter Wing, participated in a 15K race in Iraq that went on at  the same time as the Tulsa event. About 600 airmen from the 125th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron participated in the race. It’s going to be an emotional day for many when our troops will be home and can run in the race again.


We had a fireman who ran the whole race in his bunker gear. Tough guy in my book.


And a girl with a balloon tied to her hair.


And some ladies with Tutus.


There were about 3860 finishers in the race.


Off they went. It took me about three minutes to get to the start line.

This is a long post. I don’t want you to miss the hero of he race. At least she is my hero. This lady had a sign on her back that said that she was nine months pregnant and today was her official due date.


I ran up to her and asked if it were true and she said yes.


Here she is, running 9.3 miles on her due date with a big smile on her face. I sprinted on ahead. I didn’t want to be the one to deliver her baby. For one thing where would I get boiled water?


The only thing worse than having to use a portapotty on a race course is waiting in a line to use the portapotty.  I learned early on in my racing career to not “carbo load” the night before a race on lots and lots of pasta. Unless of course you want to spend part of the race waiting to use a portapotty.


We had several bands along the route. All of them good.




I loved this girl’s nice socks. If I ran in something like that I’d get laughed at. Of course they laugh at me anyway, but that is another story.


This dude (it’s a dude, shaved legs and all) wore sandals.


I don’t know who the striped guy is.


Batman and Robin


Some witches.


And Fred, Shaggy, and Daphne from Scooby Doo.


Lots and lots of people


The loop de loop over Riverside Drive.


Nice thing about running races is that you can just throw your cup down at the water stops. I love that.


This was my last shot on the disposables. I brought two of them this year and used them both up with 5k to go. Best because the last 5k hurt and it was pretty ugly. But I finished vertically.


They pass out candy bars at the end of the race. I always aim to get two Snickers bars. Don’t laugh, sometimes they run out.


And of course a T shirt. The economy must be looking up as they passed out technical fabric shirts instead of cotton this year.

I’m all pumped about next year. Are you pumped about anything next year?

Thanks to those that stuck to this overly long post.

19 thoughts on “2011 Tulsa Run 15K

  1. Sylvia K

    I am so proud of you!! You are an inspiration and I wish more would do what you do — and have the same amount of fun! Thanks for sharing the fun and I hope you recuperate by Monday!


  2. Leedslass

    Stuck with you to the end? I almost needed oxygen, I’m totally worn out with the mere thought of what you did. Did anyone notice you sneaked two Snicker bars? Has it crossed your mind that the reason the organisers run out of Snickers is because of people like you who snaffle two???? Also, think of this, the purchasers may have only bought 3860 bars…..
    There you go, once more I’ve vented my spleen on you – I love your pictures and think the girl with the balloon is smart to wear it in her hair – she stands out in the crowd and how the yummy mummy managed to do the race at all at her stage in pregnancy I know not – they build ’em tough in Tulsa.

  3. Louis la Vache

    hee hee…
    The striped guy is Waldo! You found him!

    «Louis» used to be a runner; participated in the Oakland Half-Marathon a number of times. Alas bad knees keep him from such activities now…

  4. Yogi♪♪♪

    @LeedsLass – I’m one of the few people who snaffle just two candy bars. People grab them by the handfull.

    I thought you would get on me about throwing my cup down in the street. My little bit in Great Britain impressed on me that don’t like littering there at all.

    Thanks for sticking with the post until the end!


    That was a ‘dude’ instead of a dudess? With shaven legs? He went as far as he could go to break down wind resistance I suppose. My son runs marathons. I walk. LOL

    And 9 mos. preggie? Oh boy!!! Brave.

    Take care of those knees…and you’ll be running like this forever!! Way to GO!

  6. Birdman

    Cool report on the race. btw Enjoyed your TS concert pot.She was in Kennebunkport last summer filming one of her recent videos. Don’t consider myself country. But I do enjoy a good hat, belt and tie ocassionally. hahaha

  7. Boobies

    Yogi, you pretty much rock on every level possible. I love that you run…I’ve always wanted to do this. Maybe when IA move in with you and Sweetie…we’ll make it a family affair! 🙂

    The pregnant lady—WOW!! I bow down to her greatness! That rocks!

  8. Barb

    To tired to even smile, Yogi? I’ve been there! Don’t know how you manage to run, take photos, and even talk to other participants! Good for you – glad you made another year.

  9. GW Bill Miller

    It wasn’t such a long post. It takes a little time to talk about a long race. YOU DA MAN! The goal is to finish regardless of the time. Before long you will be bragging about SPB’s time. Sounds like a good time was had by all!

  10. Gemel

    Well done Yogi.
    Looks like it was such an experience, so much to see and to hear, must have made it easier to run with so much going on around you.

  11. Impulsive Addict

    What I had tried to say TWICE from my phone was that I saw that Boobie is planning for the future and I like it. Let’s do it.

    And…I said that I saw that pregnant girl in line at the porta potty. I pushed passed her because I was pretty sure I had to go worse AND I was trying to beat my fastest time–6 minute mile.

  12. Ellen

    You’re my hero for being a runner. I wish I would have gotten that gene. Irv and I are always in Vegas for the Rock n Roll marathon. It’s always fun watching some of the outfits that people choose to run in.

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