Bridge across the Mississippi on the very long drive to the beach, 13 hours or so.
Mississippi State Forestry Service fire tower. I don’t think they use it any longer.
At Orange Beach, we found this treasure dredging sand at Perdido Pass and making more beach by pumping the dredged material ashore. This is as close as they let us go. Isn’t it beauty. I used to use similar barges laying pipelines in south Louisiana.
Isn’t she a beauty?
I got a few decent beach skies.
Lots of pelicans skimming the waves.
We had several decent days on the beach. The water was way too cold for me. My feet got toasted good in the sun. I promise, no more feet pics. At least for a while.
I got up early one fridged morning and got a decent sunrise. Yes, I used a filter if you must know.
We saw a catamaran out on the water one late afternoon. Nothing better than photographs of sailing vessels I think.
We drove to nearby Pensacola and checked out Pensacola Beach. Gorgeous beach and water. We got out on the pier and saw fisherman catch fish. We saw a sea turtle surface briefly and sharks lurking about. Lots of manta rays. I didn’t have the right camera to capture any of that.
Back at Perdido Pass. We have learned that dolphin cruises and fine and good but the fisherman on the beach will tell you where to go see dolphins. We got to the pass late afternoon and there were tons of dolphins going back and forth. Didn’t have to pay a thing and nobody presented us with a tip jar.
I’m fascinated by Artifical Intelligence generated photos. I got on my goto site for that kind of foolishness,, and entered: “most colorful orange beach alabama skywatch photo hdr realistic detailed concept art ” on the text prompt and a few seconds later it gave me this image. Strangely enough it looks like about half the shirts for sale in the state. The whole concept is freaky to me. Try the link and let me know what you think. You want to try something really disturbing, enter your name and home address in the text prompt.
That’s about all the foolishness for this week. I’m linking to Skywatch Friday.