Tag Archives: Bunny

Weekly Critter Summary

I took a short hike on Turkey Mountain recently and surprised a couple of deer. They just moved off a short distance, keeping an eye on me. This one particular didn’t seem any in hurry to leave.

On the same hike, I came across an armadillo snuffling around the woods raising dust. It didn’t see me but when it did it ran off a few feet. I’ve seen more armadillos out in the woods this summer than I have seen in a long time.

Lots of livestock at the State Fair this year. I always enjoy looking at them.

Closer to home I came across this cottontail living in our front flower bed. It just sat there looking at me and then hopped back into its cover.

And in the home, LJ the cat catching some warm sun.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters. Go check them out!!