Tag Archives: Fishermen

Saturday’s Critters – On the River


Egrets and great blue herons sharing the prime fishing spot downstream of the Zink Lake Dam.


More sharing downstream of the dam.


A closeup of a great blue heron.


Here is one fishing with one leg. Or maybe sleeping. I don’t know, its eyes are open.


And a human fishing from the rocks at the dam.


Headed back to the car on the bike path I come upon this gaggle of geese.

These pics are from my bike ride early this week. My knee has been feeling much better. I woke Wednesday and I had some bad back spasms. My wife drove me to the Urgent Care and the on duty Nurse Practioner, prescribed me some muscle relaxers, and she gave me the old man side to side hug telling me that I should take a week off from my bicycling, hiking, weight training, and yoga. My wife was in there and thought it was a hoot that I am officially elderly and harmless in the medical world’s eyes. I’m good with it, I will never say no to hug from somebody nice. So this morning (Saturday) I woke up and I think I might live for a little while longer. Yesterday I wasn’t so sure. Tell you what though, the medication makes me not want to drink alcohol. I’m afraid my stash might be getting out of date.

I am linking with Saturday’s Critters