Tag Archives: “Sheri Lou”

Skywatch Friday – Town and Country Skies


This is the view from my office building on day last week. Sunset looking over the Arkansas River as it winds its way down from Kansas through northeast Oklahoma.


A cattle herd in western Oklahoma, taken by my wife’s cousin’s wife Cheri Lou at her family ranch in Washita County, Oklahoma. Cheri Lou takes pics, I edit them and post them on Instagram. We make a great team. I love the donkey in the middle of the cows. The purpose of the donkeys, besides providing comic relief, is to protect the herd from coyotes. I give the cows names that Cheri Lou doesn’t appreciate. Names like Little Brisket, Rib Eye, McDonald, Wendy, Burger King, and Chuck (roast). It’s all in fun, don’t report me to PETA okay. Honestly, do people think these cows are going to die of old age.

Be that as it may, I am linking with Skywatch Friday