Tag Archives: Tulsa Community College

Skywatch Friday – Outlaw Skies


I work in downtown Tulsa and most lunch times you can find me roaming downtown, carrying my camera seeing what there is to see. After 27 years of doing that, I still see new stuff. Anway, Tulsa Community College’s downtown campus has a building with a platform overlooking Boston Avenue in downtown Tulsa.

See the blue chair?

I’ve tried to get up there several times and only once has the door been open but I had only had my iphone so I did what I could with what I had. This time I had my new Fujifilm point and shoot so what the heck, I’ll see if I can get up there. Plus the blue chair on the platform gave me a little hope. I know the route pretty well now, take the elevator to the third floor, and go right through the door to the stairwell and guess what!!

The same blue chair

And the mostly locked door opened. Yeah for me. There were some people in the classroom to the right but I decided to just ignore them.

So here is the view to the northwest. Holy Family Cathedral.

Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma

And straight north up Boston Avenue, the heart of downtown.

Tulsa's Boston Avenue Church - An Art-Deco Icon

And straight south along Boston Avenue.

That is Boston Avenue Church. An art-deco treasure.

Just so you know, I didn’t pass any “No Trespassing”, “Students and Staff Only,” visitors please check in or any other blah blah blah signs during my little venture up to what the school calls the “Ninth Street Overlook.”

Have you shot any outlaw photos?

Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday – The Door was finally Unlocked


Above is a very poor photo of  a building in downtown Tulsa owned by Tulsa Community College. The building is right on Boston Avenue and I’ve always been intrigued by the little projection it has over the street. Periodically I have wandered up there, acting like I belonged but the door from the inside to the deck outside has always been locked.

Looking north on Boston Avenue

A couple weeks ago I was walking by on my noon stroll and I noticed a woman sitting up there. So hey, I went over and ventured up the elevator, found the door and there I was outside. I didn’t have my camera so I took some photos with my cell phone using a hdr app.


That is Boston Avenue Church way down there. It was the subject of my last Skywatch Friday post.


And here is a closeup. 


And here is looking north again. We have some humongus parking lots here in Tulsa.


And going to the west to Holy Family Cathedral. Tulsa is unique in that we have a bunch of big churches downtown and they are thriving. 

Anyway I stayed a while taking in the sights and then left.I guess I was legal. I didn’t see any no trespassing signs or anything. So I am going to be bring my Nikon some day. 

I’m linking  with Skywatch Friday