Skywatch Friday – Outlaw Skies


I work in downtown Tulsa and most lunch times you can find me roaming downtown, carrying my camera seeing what there is to see. After 27 years of doing that, I still see new stuff. Anway, Tulsa Community College’s downtown campus has a building with a platform overlooking Boston Avenue in downtown Tulsa.

See the blue chair?

I’ve tried to get up there several times and only once has the door been open but I had only had my iphone so I did what I could with what I had. This time I had my new Fujifilm point and shoot so what the heck, I’ll see if I can get up there. Plus the blue chair on the platform gave me a little hope. I know the route pretty well now, take the elevator to the third floor, and go right through the door to the stairwell and guess what!!

The same blue chair

And the mostly locked door opened. Yeah for me. There were some people in the classroom to the right but I decided to just ignore them.

So here is the view to the northwest. Holy Family Cathedral.

Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma

And straight north up Boston Avenue, the heart of downtown.

Tulsa's Boston Avenue Church - An Art-Deco Icon

And straight south along Boston Avenue.

That is Boston Avenue Church. An art-deco treasure.

Just so you know, I didn’t pass any “No Trespassing”, “Students and Staff Only,” visitors please check in or any other blah blah blah signs during my little venture up to what the school calls the “Ninth Street Overlook.”

Have you shot any outlaw photos?

Skywatch Friday

19 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – Outlaw Skies

  1. Eileen

    Hello, I am glad you finally were able to get to that chair. The views are wonderful. Great skywatch images. Thanks for hosting. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead!

  2. Junieper/Jesh

    Wow, Tulsa has changed with those high rises! Can you tell, it was ages since I was there ,,, over 3 decades ago? The cathedral has not lost its beauty! That blue car … your eyesight is excellent!

  3. Nancy Chan

    Beautiful view and captures from the blue chair. I have experienced taking a photo and have someone coming up to say that photography is prohibited. I apologized for not seeing the “no photography sign” and quickly moved on. The sign is that they want to charge a certain sum for taking photos there.

  4. Lea's Menagerie

    Wonderful views from that balcony!
    I sometimes just walk casually by something with my camera down by my side, wait until no one is looking, and snap a quick photo. And a lot of times, I sit in my car (in a legal parking space) and watch for a photo op.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. klara

    just looking at the Community College’s building, I would have guessed, no interest around it – looks isolated. but, boy, would I have been wrong, what a view from all sides. kudos for trying!

  6. Somewhere in Ireland

    Glad you were persistent in getting the blue chair photo. You did great just ignoring the people in the classroom, they probably didn’t even notice. 🙂 I love the views of your city,
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Peter B.

    These are wonderful shots! Glad you finally found the door open, and glad you kept trying. Ya, I have a bunch of outlaw photos. Sometimes I can’t resist taking photos in areas that I know are off limits.

  8. Driller's Place

    Awesome images of my favorite town. You’ve got images that few others would attempt to capture. My outlaw images typically involve sports. I usually find a way to get on the field of local high school football games without a press pass. As long as I stay in the end zone no one questions my intent.

  9. Sallie

    Did you sit down long enough to congratulate yourself? I think that blue chair was just waiting for a fantastic photographer to use it after he shot those wonderful Cityscapes. …. I knew downtown Tulsa had beautiful skies and sunsets as seen from your office windows, but don’t remember seeing this much of the City in your previous posts… very nice.

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