Camera Critters – Island Park, Idaho

On a recent trip to Idaho to see family we stayed at a lodge out in the middle of nowhere. There were critters all over the place.

Horses running back to their pasture in the evening from the corral after several trail rides. In the morning they run they other the way. I guess its their daily commute. The trail boss herds them with a four wheeler. What’s up with that?

From the same perspective, a fuzzy picture of a what I’m told is a Mountain Bluebird. The State Bird of Idaho. He spent a lot of time perched there.

We found out why that night. We heard a terrific commotion going on outside. A squirrel was looking for a new place to live and was checking out the bird’s nest and the bird was having none of it. It finally ran the squirrel off a long ways.

A fuzzy picture of hawk, looking for dinner. It spent a lot time patiently waiting on that perch. Note the moon toward the upper end of the photograph.

A well cammo’ed toad in the woods.For other pictures of critters from all over. Check out Camera Critters.

10 thoughts on “Camera Critters – Island Park, Idaho

  1. Snap

    What fun to see all those critters. Loved the cammo’ed toad. Looks like you had a great time at the reunion.

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