Deception Pass Bridge

Deception Pass Bridge

On our recent whale searching outing while on vacation in Seattle we passed underneath the Deception Pass Bridge. It connects Whidby Island and Fidalgo Island together and was completed in 1935. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It consists of two spans with a total length of 1487 feet and moves about 20,000 cars per day.

The cruise we talk was pretty smooth until we got to Deception Pass. The currents are very turbulent and the ride was a little rough for a few minutes before and after.

The strait is called Deception Pass because for a long time the early European’s thought it led to a small bay and not a passage. 

Sunday Bridges

8 thoughts on “Deception Pass Bridge

  1. Sylvia K

    It is such a beautiful area and your shots are terrific! I did get some good shots the last time I was there — in spite of the fact that we didn’t have a lot of sunshine! I’m so glad you got to see the pass and bridge!

  2. Leedslass

    Seattle looks to be a beautiful State – I know nothing about it but your photographs make me want to get some knowledge. Google here I come:-)

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