Category Archives: Bronze

Our World Tuesday – Pioneer Plaza in downtown Dallas


I am in Dallas the first part of this week on a cattle drive in Pioneer Plaza downtown. Get along you bony ,skinny, long-horned cows.


Look at those ribs.


Is this the Rio Grande? I don’t know but that is my hotel in the background. Very high tech and green. That is a code word for they don’t want to change out your towels. That is the type service you get for a couple hundred bucks a night. They also turn off the power to your room when you leave your room. It makes it kind of hard to charge up a depleted cell phone. Besides that why do they call it green when it is blue? I’m just behind the times I guess.


This guy tried to horn me! I’m calling him Wendy. We’ll see who comes out on top of that.


And this my new friend. I call him “Touchdown Texas” cuz of his horns. Not that the actual University of Texas Longhorns scored very many touchdowns this past year. Just saying.

And hey, this installation has its own virtual geocache! Can’t beat that can you?

Our World Tuesday

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