Category Archives: Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections -The Beach #2


Son on the beach near Carlsbad, California. It’s always interesting to me how the reflective beaches can be after a wave washes out and a very thin film of water remains. Also, since we were at the beach I didn’t bring my “good” cameras. I used an old out of date disposable camera. I was pretty happy with the results. Something to be said about the ultimate in point and click.

Check out Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections – Pepsi Lake on Turkey Mountain

I’ve been running and exploring the trails on Turkey Mountain after work.  There is a ridiculously fabulous complex network of trails and just a few of them are marked, there are very few people there, and so I’m lost half the time but I love the feeling of not knowing exactly where I am.

This was near my turnaround point, you can see the sun is getting kind of low. It was almost pitch black by the time I got back to my car.

Check out Weekend Reflections for other mirrored surfaces from all over.

Everybody have a great weekend.