Category Archives: “Sepia Scenes”

Sepia Snow

Sepia Penguin

We had our first snow of the year yesterday. I was hoping that we could have a snowless year. At least it wasn’t too bad. I decided to check on the downtown fowl. The above is our courthouse plaza penguin.

Sepia Turkeys

Above is our library turkeys. The window in the background is where I sit to use the library’s wifi at lunch. When its not taken up by my homeless peeps. Then I sit somewhere else.

Sepia Pigeon

This is my sepia pigeon. Pigeon’s are funny critters. If they think you are going to feed them they come right up and look at you. As soon as you pull a camera out they scatter.

Sepie Downtown

For your reference, here is a key to where I took all the photos. You can tell when its cold outside I don’t mess around.

For more sepia in our wold check out Sepia Scenes.