Last weekend was HOT and HUMID. I went to see my favorite MIL Nana and check into why her swimming pool filter wasn’t working. I finally figured it out and got it fixed, grabbed a few of her cookies that were right out of the oven and then hurried on home to help Sweetie clean house went to find a few geocaches (don’t tell Sweetie, OK).
There were four of them scattered down a trail along a turnpike. Have I mentioned that it was hot?
(I subscribe to now and I just love playing with it. I know that over processing photos can be annoying and I promise to be more subtle in the future but let me have my fun now, please.)
I found four caches in all, here are a couple of them.
Four caches was enough. I was cooked.
By the time this is posted the Yogi’s will be headed for cooler climes. Hopefully I’ll have more to write about than heat and geocaches when I get back.