Category Archives: Flip Camera

Flipping Out of Running

I took my Flip Camera Phone with me on my 4.5 mile run at noon today.

First up, one of my favorite fountains at a church downtown. I’ve been running by this for 17 years. Its always a welcome sight, especially when its 100 degrees outside. Especially when the sprinklers are running also.

Now, you get to see why I hate the sound of my own voice. One of the strange things about Tulsa is that two of the biggest Methodist Churches in town are separated by a 30 foot wide street.

Now, everyone please realise that there is no conflict between the churches. I was just kidding.

I ran by the Arkansas River. I love the old railroad bridge converted over to a pedestrian bridge and the low water dam. It masks the sound of the thousands of cars that drive up and down Riverside drive every day.

In the old Riverview neighborhood somebody has had a very nice water feature going for years. Its like a little rocky stream in their front yard and I just absolutely love it. With winter coming they will be shutting it down but I always look for it in the spring.