Category Archives: Survey

Tagged Again

My fellow blogger Baloney tagged me in her blog so now you get to find out even more about me and I get to know more about you because by reading this you are tagged.

Here is how it is done.

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question. (note, you’ll need to pull the list of questions from Baloney’s post above if you want to see which one I switched out)

B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz.

1.How many songs are on your iPod? I have 173 songs on my ipod.

2. What music would you want played at your funeral? Hey funerals are not for the dead guy, they are for the survivors. So as long as its not sentimental or maudlin I’ll be ok with whatever. Of course I’m assuming that people will show up. Softly and Tenderly is my favorite hymn. If that could be worked in appropriately that would be great. Also, the Door’s “Break on Through (to the Other Side)” would be lovely and would fit the theme, but I don’t see the pastor of our church going for it.

3.What magazines do you have subscriptions to? I love magazines! I get Scientific American (pushing close to 40 years with that one.), National Geographic, Wired, New Yorker, US News and World Report, Outside, and Sports Illustrated. In addition Sweetie and I fight over her Southern Living magazine. I read the online editions of the Wall Street Journal and the New York times.

4. What is your favorite scent? Pinon smoke.

5. If you had a million dollars that you could only spend on yourself, what would you do with it?

I would buy a nice house and property out in the country somewhere.

6. What is your theme song? Invisible Kid by Metallica.

7. Do you trust easily? Yes, too easily but I have learned a lot over the years. Tuition for the school of life is very high.

8. Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think? I generally think before I act. People think that I’m very analytical but I make decisions based on my gut feeling. I have very good analytical skills and I use them but I have to make the analysis fit with my gut before I am comfortable making a decision. Sometimes that takes some time. The scenarios I run in my mind involve trying to figure out how I would feel about the various possible outcomes. It is hard to explain.

9.Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? The energy business is going crazy so work is very demanding. I love my job but I am running way behind.

10. Do you have a good body-image? Yep I have a great image of a body. Oh, you mean the image of MY body. What can I say, it ain’t pretty but its mine.

11. Is being tagged fun? Yep, I think it is interesting to read other people’s answers. I think it is chicken though to change the questions you don’t like. (just kiddin)

12. How do you spend your social networking (Facebook, etc.) time? I read two blogs faithfully, Baloney’s because she is a good writer and has something every day. I have a niece in Australia who blogs infrequently but it is about life as an expatriate there so I find it interesting also. I have two other nieces in Colorado who are on Myspace and I like reading what they have to say. I have a myspace page also so I check n what is up with them. Plus I like writing in my blog. I have journaled for close to 38 years so blogging is an extension of that.

13. What have you been seriously addicted to lately? The blogging, geocaching, reading, running,

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? Baloney brings a lot of focus to whatever she is doing.

15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head? Cyanide by Metallica.

16.What’s your favorite item of clothing? Carhart henley shirts and cargo shorts. Convenience, comfort are tops.

17. What is the perfect birthday cake? Sweetie can make several killer chocolate cakes. She is the best birthday cake cook of all time.

18. What cartoon character is most like you? The pointy haired boss in Dilbert.

19. What items could you not go without during the day? My Palm Treo.

20. What should you be doing right now? Paying Bills.

I think that I have only two people who read my blog on a regular basis, one is Baloney, Sweetie doesn’t blog but I will put her on the list. I’ll also see if my three nieces will participate.

Those who participate, please tell me in a comment where to find your responses.

Chain Email

What time is it? 5:25 pm.

What’s your full name? Yogi Blair

What are you most afraid of? Something bad happening to a member of my family.

What is the most recent movie that you have seen in aTheater? Vicki Cristina Barcelona (best movie that I’ve seen in a while.

Place of birth? Espanola, New Mexico.

Favorite food? New Mexican. Totally different from texmex.

What’s your natural hair color? Strawberry blonde.

Ever been to Alaska? Nope

Ever been toilet paper rolling? Nope

Love someone so much it made you cry?Y ou bet!

Been in a car accident? Just fender benders so far. Nothing serious.

Croutons or bacon bits?Pass on both, dressing on the side please.

Favorite day of the week?Sunday. Especially during football season.

Favorite restaurant? Charlestons.

Favorite Flower? Roses, still on the bush.

Favorite sport to watch? Dallas Cowboys. Other stuff on opportunistic basis.

Favorite drink? Topeca medium americano, no room.

Favorite ice cream? Braums Chocolate mix with Heath bars.

Disney or Warner Brothers? Warner Brothers.

Ever been on a ship? One cruise ship, several car ferrys. Several pipe laying barges and crew boats.

What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige

How many times did you fail your driver’s test? Passed first time.

Other than this one, from whom did you get your laste-mail? Baloney

What do you do when you are bored? Read.

Bedtime? 10:10 pm worknights. 2 am Friday night. 11 am Saturday. (I get up and run with some guys at church at 6 am so I get up at 5:15 am.)

Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Let me see. I have two people who read this. One person is the where I got these questions. Most appropriate answer is N/A.

Who is the person you sent this to that least likely to respond? N/A

Who is the person that you are most curious to see theirresponses? N/A

Favorite TV shows?Survivor. Amazing Race. Anthony Bourdain.

Last person you went to dinner with? 60 Field Guys in Garden City, Kansas. I gave them a presentation afterward. They were very polite. Only a few fell asleep although they were all yawning.

What are you doing right now besides being on the computer? Watching Generation Kill on HBO. I DVR it and can only watch it when SuperPizzaBoy and his mother are out of the house.

What are your favorite colors? Blue

How many tattoos do you have? None.

How many pets do you have? Two small dogs and a big lazy cat.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The egg

What do you want to do before you die? Make sure that my wife and child are taken care of.

Have you ever been to Hawaii ?Nope. Want to go though.

Have you been to countries outside the U.S. ? I’ve been to Mexico, Canada, Jamaica, and Haiti. I lived in Texas for 9 years, does that count?

How many people are you sending this e-mail to? None. I may in the future though.