Camera Critters – Harbor Seals

We were in Southern California earlier this month. The last day we went through La Jolla and spent a couple of hours. The big attraction at La Jolla, at least to the Yogi’s, were the harbor seals who hang out right on the rocks.

You can learn about harbor seals from wikipedia here.

It really is quite remarkable, especially to us land locked Okies that, such marine mammals live so closely to humans. We were fascinated.

Harbor Seal Collage 2

Some of them are really cute.

Harbor Seal Collage 1

Check out Camera Critters

12 thoughts on “Camera Critters – Harbor Seals

  1. Sylvia K

    Oh, I love the seals!! And your photos are terrific! How could you not love a face like that! Marvelous collage. When I lived in Oregon we would frequently go down to the coast where some sea lion caves are and you could spend hours there. Such a fun post for the day! Enjoy your weekend!


  2. Baloney

    That last one (bottom right) is adorable!
    I’m always amazed by marine life, too. Must be because we don’t get to see much of the ocean.

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