We have had some really cold weather in Tulsa the last week or so. I hadn’t felt like going out and freezing with my camera so I have been using my archives. That is wonderful in a way. I have 78,000 plus photographs so I got lots of images to draw from but you know I like taking new pictures!! So one day late last week I went to Tulsa’s Woodward Park.
This is the south side of the Tulsa Garden Center which used to be known as the Snedden Mansion. It’s a pretty cool place and is also an event center for weddings and such. My wife Heather used to work there in different capacities, so I got to work there too every once in a while for special events.
This is “Appeal to the Great Spirit” by Cyrus Dallin. This version was cast in 1985. The original was cast in 1908 and is at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts. A miniature plaster version stood at Tulsa’s Central High School from 1923 until 1976 when the school closed.
I don’t know the name or history of this statue but it is a long term favorite of mine. Have to tell you though I got cold just looking at it.
This is one of favorite sculptures ever, “Poems and Promises” by Rosalind Cook. It is very peaceful looking to me. Doing my research I read where Ms. Cook says she gave it a spiraling movement by the placement of the legs, shoulders, and arms. Now that I read it, I can see what she is talking about. Artists just amaze me.
This is the Woodard Park Conservatory. It is open to the public most of the time and is very interesting with all the plants in there. It is also nice to go into on a cool day as it is generally very warm and humid.
On other matters, it has got even colder and snowier since my outing to Woodward Park. Minus two this morning.
Abby and I are sharing this throw. She’s kind of a hog though.
Our plump kitten Lizzie is whiling away the hours snoozing.
Here she is on her 180 degree abdominal twist. Front feet and head pointing one way, back feet pointing backward.
We’ve had all sorts of birds hanging around also. Rascal the dog tried to bring one inside this morning. It died soon thereafter. I don’t think Rascal hurt it, it was injured or sick. Sad deal.
I am linking with Our World Tuesday.
Wonderful selections of photos from your world ~ beautiful sculptures ~ favorite is the same one you like ~ awesome movement ~ And of course love your sweet photos of the fur persons ~ blanket hogger and all ~ kitty has quite the ‘yoga’ poses ~
Moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Are you able to comment on Our World Tuesday’s site? I can not find a place to comment ~
thanks, Carol
Moment by Moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
The park looks a real nice place to go, early morning for photographs of those superb statues. Some of your household look nice and warm, even if you’re not.
Such a nice park, love the statues. As always I love the photos of Abby and Lizzie!
I love old mansions and using them in modern ways. The statues and landscape make it a place to visit often.
Isn’t that the truth when photographers have all these images on file, but still want to take more photos.
Stay safe.
Amazing pics.
Stay Safe.
I don’t blame you not going out in that cold but the mansion is pretty cool
Fabulous shots! And cute pets.
I like the sculptures but perhaps not the weather to stand and admire. Keep warm.
impressive number of photos to draw from.
Indoor dogs and cats have it made. Mine are both on my legs right now, making it difficult to type!
Love your entertaining cats and the park. Can never have too many photos.
The building is a stunning work of architecture and the statues are lovely if not needing of coats in the cold. It is nice seeing your pets enjoying such a cozy life. Nature leaves many of its outdoor creatures in freezing temperatures looking for warmth. Maybe that’s what happened to the little bird.
78K photos!!! Wow!!! You do have an archive to choose from. I love the Tulsa mansions built by the oil barons and their business partners. The details in those homes are just stunning. I used to love the rose garden, but I know that the plants got infected several years ago and it has taken forever for them to recover. Have a blessed week. Stay warm.
…I hope that you are doing well with the cold and snow. Having always lived in the north we are equipped for the most part for everything that comes our way. Take care.
Loving the archival shots of the beautiful park and buildings and sculptures. …. hating the cold , but admiring your pictures (this post and the snow in Friday’s Post above). …your kitty is excellent at yoga!