Somebody’s Having a Birthday


This sign got added to the yard last night.

It’s for this guy, who is now a college man.


But we remember him napping with Pooh Bear on the beach.


And riding Ranger the stick horse all over the house.

He’s a great son who we are proud of.


And here he is with his Grandmother, Nana.


And hanging out in the flower gardens with his mom.


He loves hanging out with his Mom in quiet times.


And more exciting times.

Happy Birthday Logan, we are proud of you and love you very much.

An addendum,

The Birthday Boy

I think he loved the yard sign. Heather hired an outfit to do it. It’s like a super-duper birthday card.

Used the drone to get a little altitude plus it is its own tripod.

A little bit higher angle. Tried to use the tripod with my Nikon but it would have to be in the middle of the street.

We loved the sign and missed it when the people came and pulled it up.

We had a birthday dinner at a nice restaurant.

And lots and lots of candles.

A good time was had by all!

10 thoughts on “Somebody’s Having a Birthday

  1. DeniseinVA

    Sweet photos! Happy Birthday Logan! So blessed and very heartwarming to see the pride you have for your son. Congratulations to him and to you and Heather, you are great parents!

  2. Nancy Chan

    Happy Birthday to Logan! That was a beautiful birthday sign. A wonderful post to show how your precious son has grown from a kid into a college young man. Very heart warming. Have a great weekend.

  3. Penelope Notes

    Happy belated Birthday to Logan! He was so adorable napping with Pooh Bear on the beach. All grown-up now but every inch more wonderful. The signage tells the story of admiration and love.

  4. sallie rainville

    Happy belated to Logan — I think I’ve been following you since almost as long ago as that picture of with his stick horse. Fun to watch him grow to the handsome young man he is today.

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