Way back on March 22nd, the wind and rain died down, the temperatures came up and I went on a bike ride. I wanted to to the Tulsa RiverParks loop of the Arkansas River which is a lot harder for now than it used to be because they have closed off part of the west bank trail due to construction of a new bridge and dam across the river. They divert the bike traffic out to Route 66 to share the road with dump trucks, oil haulers, and all sorts of other non-relaxing vehicles not to mention a crappy road surface. I’ve done it twice already since the construction started and it is not a nice ride on the detour. But hey, I wanted to do it anyway. So I strapped on my cheap gopro clone on my bicycle and headed out.
About a mile into it I almost had a collision with these two unhomed guys. They were coming in fast on an ill-timed left turn. Luckily I saw them and stopped. I already had one collision on the riverparks trails a couple years ago and it took me months before I could get on a bike again. I wasn’t mad at these guys and they were apologetic, they just got themselves in a jam.
I got on the west bank and started going south. My strategy was to ride into the wind on the outbound leg so I could return to the car inbound. You can see from the flag how stiff the wind was. So I didn’t fight the wind, I was just moseying south.
And then had to leave the trail where it was blocked and head west on this sidewalk. Luckily there was nobody coming east. If there is someone has to give since there is not enough room for two bicycles or if a mom is coming with a stroller. I almost yield the right of way.
So I got to Route 66 and was planning on riding the sidewalk south, but no go!! Big construction project going on. Oh well, I crossed to the other side of the road.
They had four lanes of two way traffic squeezed down to two lanes and the bike lane is goine. See that truck. He’s in my space!! Luckily there was a decent sidewalk for a short ways.
And then I was able ride on the business parking lots adjoining the road.
I got south of the construction and crossed the highway and came upon my favorite part. The road that the oil tanks use going to and from the refinery. Share the road guys!!
Another truck right going intot he refinery.
I brought one of my good cameras along and got a picture of the refinery. I know a little about refineries, being a chemical engineer and all. Mainly what you are looking for here is TST’s. TST stands for “Tall Shiny Things.” Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Other parts of the refinery have LRO’s which stands for “Large Round Objects.” You keep following my blog you are likely to learn a lot.
I always like this enclosed bridge over Mooser Creek.
I stopped for a bit of geocaching here. I’ve looked for it before and and haven’t found it yet. The hint is “This cache rocks!!” Only chemical engineers have a worse sense of humor than geocachers.
And then on past the sewage treatment plant.
And then the long trudge up the trail to the lower parking lot of Turkey mountain.
And then we get to coast across the river to the east bank.
And then, flying north back to 21st street where I started. The wind was at my back and it felt like flying.
16 miles and change. It was a nice ride.
I’m linking with Skywatch Friday
Wow, that was a great ride! I love the photos. Thanks for the humor 🙂
That was quite a bike ride especially with the wind. You’re a brave guy to get out there with traffic. That paved section of the bike path looks wonderful
Es un genial paseo te mando un beso.
Good that you stopped in time, people need to be more careful when they are outdoors.
It is so lovely when the wind in at our backs! It takes grit to ride bicycles on and alongside highways, as drivers are not always considerate on the road.
That’s quite a ride you went on. Thanks for taking us along with your photos.
…you had a sepia looking day! Thanks for hosting.
You are brave! I’m thinking of bicyclists for whom this construction was a total surprise. Yikes. I am chuckling at your chemical engineer glossary. One of my cousins is a retired electrical engineer and loves his puns. I’m sure he has some for his branch of engineering. I’ll have to tell him about the TST and LROs even if they aren’t puns. He’ll probably come up with one.
A brave ride – those skies were not friendly – great post.
It been a while since I been geocaching.
Coffee is on and stay safe.
You are so brave to take that ride with the trucks on the road. Anyway, you had a great time and you really enjoyed it.
It is neat to have the camera recording your bike ride. You are brave to ride on near the traffic and construction, I would be to nervous. The photo of the bridge over the creek is my favorite.
Have a happy Easter weekend.
I find the photos from the gopro way too cool. My husband’s gopro was stolen or prolly he misplaced it on our most recent trip. I;m hoping he’s had the videos already uploaded. We’ll see. Still a touchy subject.
Happy Easter.
Yep the bridge photo is the best ~ sepia tone of photos is unique ~ not sure why you challenged your self so much ~ serene places work best for me ~ sigh ~ lol
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
You are a brave soul to plan a bike ride in a construction zones. Lighting was fantastic! Enjoyed your TST’s and your LRO’s. LOL! Glad you had a fun ride.