Skywatch Friday – On the Trails

I went on a bike ride recently on Tulsa’s RiverParks Trails alongside the Arkansas River. I love the trails because one can ride for miles and miles without crossing a street. I took along my cheap GoPro clone camera that I have had for years. It takes a bad photo ever ten seconds. I end up deleting almost all the bad photos but I keep a few and run them through Adobe Lightroom to make highly edited bad photos. I kind of like them actually.


I like how the camera and then Lightroom distorts the colors. I also like it when people are involved so they are kind of like street photos but on a trail.


To me these photos capture of sense of not just solitude but aloneness like everybody else in the world has disappeared.


Familiar scenes seem vacant.


On the other hand this looks like a guy out for a run.


I also brought a “good camera” a lightweight superzoom and took a couple shots across the river. This building is the River Spirit Casino.


And this one is a collection of office buildings that used to be the Oral Robert University medical school and hospital.

So if you are on the Tulsa River Parks and see an overweight old guy on a bicycle with a go pro clone mounted on his handlebars smile real big!

I’m linking with Skywatch Friday.

22 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – On the Trails

  1. Vicki

    Love the photos and the colors of the buildings in the last two photos.

    For over 20 years I lived down the road from the Withlacoochee State Trail. We rode our bikes there all the time. It was 46 miles one way with rest stops and small towns along it. Thinking about it makes me want to get our bikes out and ride it again.

  2. Terri

    Pretty sky shots- these are all great! I commend you for the exercise…I need more of it and less sitting for sure.

  3. Alana

    Some of these are works of art. Isn’t there a cliche that says something like “this is so bad, it’s good”? Especially liked the River Spirit Casino in the first picture and another view of same and its reflection in the colors of Ukraine.

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