Skywatch Friday – Before the Storm

We had a big wind storm here in Tulsa a week and a half ago. Over 200,000 homes lost power. (We were lucky, we never lost power.) So my SWF post last week was mainly about the storm. Now, almost everybody has had power restored. It’s amazing how fast other power companies send crews to storm ravaged areas to restore service quickly. How do they do that? They do it a lot and are good at it and I am grateful.

So these are photos that I have been saving.

A view down a neighborhood street at sunset.

Time spent at a music event sponsored by a local park.

A stop on the Arkansas River.

What’s known as Pepsi Lake on Turkey Mountain.

The refinery on the river experiencing an process upset. Generally you can’t even see the flare. When I was still working downtown and I saw this I would call a friend of mine who’s husband was a manager at the refinery and I’d say, “Call Don, something’s wrong, don’t want him to get fired.” She’d laugh as with things like this all sorts of alarms go off and Don would know all about it.


Construction still going on for the new pedestrian bridge and dam across the Arkansas River at the Gathering Place.

I always fly the flag on holidays and Flag Day is a holiday.

My bike at a rest stop on the river.

Hey, that small mound across the river is Turkey Mountain. I appreciate everybody not calling our mountain a hill. We love our little hill.

The end, nice a refreshing spot on the river. I call it the Bear Fountain. Its actual name is kind of complicated and includes the name of the company who paid for it. I salute them but I’m still calling it the Bear Fountain. They used to have “do not climb the fountain” signs on the sculpture and people were all over it including me and my son. They took the signs away and so people stay off it. We are a funny species is what I think.

I’m linking with Skywatch Friday

31 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – Before the Storm

  1. Kirsi

    It’s so interesting to learn and see a lot of the World in the Blogs. Thank you for the visit to your Town. The photo with the sky reflection is my favourite,
    greetings from Germany

  2. Sharon Wagner

    We need more storms! But then again, we did need to cancel a bike trip last weekend. It’s so dry though. Happy 4th to you and your family! Thankgoodness for electricity!

  3. Pat

    Wonderful summer scenes! The weather has been so unusual and violent this spring into summer! Giant hail storms here and an area near us had a mild tornado. I’m thankful for all the rain but wish it would fall less dramatically. I’m glad power was restored quickly in your area and that you did not lose power,

  4. Penelope Notes

    Your first sky shot cast a beautiful light on the street. Good to know power gets restored quickly. We have become so utterly dependent on it for everyday needs.

  5. Lisa

    Beautiful skies! I guess you can call your “hill” a mountain if that’s all ya got! Without a sign I’d expect people, especially kids, to want to get in the water at least. Then that would lead to climbing it. Some role model you were, climbing the fountain!

  6. Nanda

    Skies post storm are always enticing. Even in India, the turn around time for restoring power post devastation has considerably improved

  7. Alana

    Beautiful seeing all your views and the beautiful blue skies. Nice fountain, too. I remember reading something about why Pepsi Lake was named that on your blog a while back.

  8. Eileen Thai

    Love the sunset picture!
    I can’t find the comment section in the Skywatch blog, so I’ll answer your question here. We love to explore and discover new places, so we haven’t gone to any one place on a regular basis. So many places to visit so little 🙂

  9. A ShutterBug Explores

    Your sky shots are so beautiful ~ love the flag and bike shots the best ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

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