Scavenger Hunt Sunday – What Are You Comfortable With?


Red Dress and a Big Floppy Hat

I just love stealing shots from photo shoots. I shot this during a very chilly morning at Tulsa’s Woodward Park. The model had to be freezing. I was cold and I was wearing a coat. I guess you could say that she was suffering for my art.



I learned something new about spurs this year. Something my Dad didn’t even know. I found out about “Gal Leg” spurs. They were very popular in the “Old West.” Can you see why they call it Gal Leg? I found this at Frank Phillips (of Phillips 66 Fame) old ranch at Woolaroc.

Something You Are Comfortable With

Hiking Cropped

I am very comfortable with taking off on a trail. Any trail, anywhere. I’ve never gotten lost. I just have to know where it goes.

Who is there?

Camera Showdown

Sometimes the kid has to turn the tables on the bloggerdad.

A Door


I love these doors at Kansas City’s Union Station. The old train station in the middle of town. I can just imagine the hundreds of thousands of people who went in and out of these doors back in the day.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

17 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt Sunday – What Are You Comfortable With?

  1. Karen S.

    Wow, those are lovely doors. You son rocks too, photo of a picture taker, cute. But of course, I really do like your first photo, it could lead to so many fascinating captions too. Not your normal, everyday photo from a photo shoot either. Quite creative.

  2. Lois Evensen

    Very cute picture of your son with camera in hand. I have quite a few of those of My Honey. 😉 The image of the trail is awesome. It brings many happy thoughts of walks in the woods.

  3. Barb

    Good ones, Yogi – I’m like you when I see a trail – they’re meant for exploring. I like the gal leg spurs. After all your snaps of Logan, you owe him a few.

  4. DrillerAA09

    Great set of images. What’s not to love about “Gal Leg” spurs? You are far more comfortable off the beaten path than I…although I have been known to wander off on my own adventure. I think it’s an “only child” thing. Have a blessed Sunday.

  5. Martha

    Nice set of photos. I’ve been to most of those places. We took the grandkids to the whale several years ago before it was refurbished. They were fascinated.

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