Mainly Backyard Critters

Kodi being silly

Here’s a backyard cam of Kodi licking his nose.

Alan playing with Kodi in the back yard

And then playing with him.


We have a tennis ball in the back yard. He loves chasing it all over the place.


At night other critters come out. I have seen this bunny during the day.


The way the eyes light up is spooky!!


Lately we have this black and white cat checking things out. We still have people in the neighborhood who turn their cats loose and there are several feral cats outside as well.

Hey, a non-trailcam shot of some geese at a local park.

That’s all I got this week!! I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters

8 thoughts on “Mainly Backyard Critters

  1. Eileen

    Cute captures of Kodi! My old dogs loved playing with tennis balls.
    I love the bunny, they are cute critters.
    The geese photo looks like it could have been taken here.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  2. Shiju Sugunan

    Kodi seems to be having a blast chasing that tennis ball around the yard. That bunny is too cute, and you’re right about the spooky eyes! And the shot of the geese at the local park is beautiful.

  3. Vicki

    Oh my goodness, I would have never believed that Kodi could get any cuter!

    We have a lot of feral cats and chickens/roosters roaming around my end of the street I live on.

    All your photos are very nice, as usual.

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