Tag Archives: Kodi

Saturday’s Critters – 25 January 2025

These are some older photos from our trailcam that I had on the back patio back when it snowed.


A dark eyed junco (toward the bottom of the photo)


A squirrel, we have lots of those and they eat a lot.


A male Northern Cardinal


A female Cardinal, (under the chair to the right)


I think these are a pair of house finches.


Kodi, our Pomeranian, loves the snow.

He also likes being snug and warm. It was so much of a fight to get him in the crate we just let him sleep in his bed beside our bed. He stays in it all night and has no problem settling down for the night. Win/win.

Lizzie never quite gets enough nap time.

Here they are together in the living room.

A couple of geese I found at the local mall.

Still loving my bird camera. I am getting about 140 visits a day. So this is a 30 second video showing the different species of birds that come visit. House sparrows, cardinals, black eyed juncos, mourning doves, an occasional house finch. It’s quite the device.

I am linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Critters – Backyard Birdcam

Big news for me this week is that I bought an internet connected, solar powered, birdcam and got it installed in the backyard.

It is pretty easy to install and set up. Given the time of year I haven’t had too many customers yet. A couple of squirrels, a Carolina Wren, and female Northern Cardinal. I’ve had more squirrels but I throw snowballs at them if I see them.

They come in short videos about ten seconds long. I used an iphone app to stitch them together and then uploaded to youtube. It is only 12 seconds long.

Lizzy allowed me to take her portrait. She is the sweetest cat we’ve ever had.

And then she winked at me. I don’t know what is up with that.


I filled up all the feeders and this blue jay helped himself to a peanut.


The squirrels helped themselves to another feeder with sunflower seeds in it.


I got Kodi patrolling the perimeter.


And three dove on the ground.


After it snowed Kodi spent some time out in it. He seemed to like it.


I think that is a lonely Junco off to the left.

After a while the brat wanted in.

He posed for his portrait on the steps.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Critters – Backyard and More


A flock of sparrows mobbing our feeder


Cardinals don’t seem to mind sharing


Squirrels want it all for themselves


A squirrel getting a drink and scrutinizing the trailcam


Catching Kodi, the Pomeranian, in the back yard

I went on a hike at Ray Harral Nature Center. Most of the critters were elusive. This fat little guy watched me while I walked by as he ate his lunch.

I could hear birds but didn’t see them except for glimpses of the cardinal.

I still haven’t seen a Carolina Wren in real life. I don’t add birds to my life list unless I see them and get a photograph. I think I am up to eight birds on my list. Don’t laugh at me.


I went on a walk along the Arkansas River and saw these. I think they are seagulls.

That’s a wrap. I’m wishing everyone and their families a Happy and Healthy New Years.

I am linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Christmas 2024 Happenings

(Photo by Ellen)

We had a nice surprise for Christmas this year. My sister, Ellen, came down from Colorado to visit us. (She is also a blogger, check out “Life on the High Plains“)That’s her on the right. We had a great visit.

We went to see our brother, Bob at his residence and had a meal with him and a little pre-Christmas celebration.

Ellen is a lover of all animals. Our Pomeranian Kodi loves her and even let her pick him up, for a little bit. He doesn’t let me even touch him. Our cat Lizzie loves Ellen as well.

We took her to the Tulsa suburb of Sapulpa to check out the Christmas Chute. We love the Chute. Talk about an extravagant display.

They block off a long section of their main street and put these steel frameworks in which they stuff with lights and decorations.

They have all sorts of various themes.

They provide a list of things to look for. They are hard to find but it gets you to looking hard at the decorations. The main one this year was Christmas Pickles. I had never heard of such a thing. We found a few of them. Check out the Christmas Chute web site for more info.

(Photo by Ellen)

Here’s my bride, Heather, and I looking for the items. I’m holding the checklist.

It just goes on and on. The crowd had a great casual fun energy to it. They have all sorts of opportunities to shop or get snacks.

We spent quite a lot of time there.

All good things come to an end. Ellen returned to her home in Colorado. We all miss her.

Kodi was not happy at all at her going home.

I am linking with My Corner of the World

Saturday’s Critters – Peace in the House

I was home with son the other day and all was quiet and I came upon this scene. Lizzy the cat and Kodi the dog were laying close to each other without fighting. On these cold days they both like sunshine so they were enjoying each other’s company. Usually when Lizzy is in close reach, Kodi chases her.

They stayed that way for quite a while son and I gawked over them.

Kodi is enjoying the tree. Lizzy used to climb up in the tree and we had to perform several extractions, so far no extractions this year.

Kodi has really developed a taste for beef. We were reheating some leftover roast beef the other day and he decided wanted some. His system is delicate and so as a treat I give him deli beef used in sandwiches.

Lizzie found a Christmas throw on our sectional that she has taken over.

I wish each and every one out there in the interwebs a Merry Christmas, and if you don’t celebrate the holiday, I wish you peace and happiness. I get great pleasure and fulfillment from my “blog friends.” Photoblogs are the peaceful happy corner of the internet.

Saturday’s Critters

Saturday’s Critters – 7 December 2024 Edition

Hey its getting to be Christmas. We pulled the tree out of the attic and stood it up and guess what? The lights still light up!! Outstanding. Plus, it’s my tradition that when Heather turns her head I put the star on the tree. It stays up there until she notices it.

This is our Pom Kodi. It looks like he is looking at the tree. Nope, he’s looking at the door to the utility room waiting for my wife come home. Kodi likes her lots more than he likes me. Notice the topper on the tree.

Our cat Lizzy likes Christmas trees as well. When she was younger she would climb up into it. She always waited until it was fully decorated. Kind of hard to perform a cat extraction with a fully decorated tree. I thought I had a photo of her in the tree but I couldn’t find it.

Kodi weighing himself

Our silly Pom saw us getting on our scale so he tried it also. He even put all four feet on it. He was too light to register a weight.

And here he is chilling out in his bed waiting for my wife to come home. He thinks that I am no fun.

Here is the tree at our gym. Complete with a stuffed lion. This morning somebody added a full size kangaroo. I forgot to a photo of it so you will just have to take my word for it.

We went on a dog walk our greenbelt spotted this great blue heron looking lost. He was about 30 feet from a little creek. He let us get pretty close and then he flew up and got on the peak of a house nearby. He looked pretty comical. I didn’t take a photo because I am leery of taking photos of people’s homes,

I was at Woodward Park yesterday evening and up walked this gaggle of geese. They reminded me of a gang, marauding through the park. Luckily, they ignored me.

And that is all that I have this week. Actually, I have more, but this is enough for this week. Check out Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Critters – Backyard Edition


Here’s our pugnacious pomeranian Kodi after a recent hairdo. He sure looks dapper with the cute cut and the halloween cat themed tie.

And another Gulf Fritillary in the backyard.


And a squirrel on a recent evening. It has been hot lately.


I love catching birds in the act of landing or taking off like this one coming in for a landing.


Or this one getting ready to land on a suet feeder not pictured.


Every once in a while I catch critters of all types staring right at the camera even though there is no flash, click or other indication. Somehow they know!!

That’s all this for this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Critters – Dog and Butterfly

I was geocaching at Tulsa’s Crow Creek Meadow when I happened across this butterfly. I do believe it is a Monarch.

Here is a video of it.

I was hiking on Turkey Mountain when I came across this bush with some sort of fritillary on it. My photo is too fuzzy for the online image searches to work properly.

Here is my wife Heather with our dog Kodi on an outing.

He is beginning to settle down after our roofing project. Here is expressing his displeasure with me. He’s a mess but we love him and are working with somebody help reduce his anxiety.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Critters Big and Small – Under a New Roof

Our big thing this week is our new roof. It was supposed to take two days but it will end up being four because of our steep pitch. I know one thing, it is not the workers. They are amazing. They show up early and work hard until 6 pm or so with only about 30 minutes for lunch and then they clean up everything really well before they leave. I think they are amazing. They are loud though!

Our poor little Kodi did not like it one bit! He’s kind of anxious anyway so he had a hard time of it.

Lizzy the cat dealt with it by taking over Kodi’s crate.

We are almost done now. We just have to get the new guttering on Monday morning.

On another front we have had some visitors in our backyard. I was told by a professional naturalist that this is a Red Spotted Purple Butterfly. I think it is beautiful.

Google images told me that this is a Gulf Fritillary. It is also beautiful.

That’s about it for this week. I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Backyard Critters and More


A possum skulking about at 3 in the morning.


A bunny checking out the trailcam


Another sighting of the black and white cat. I’ve seen a few mice in our yard so I’m guessing that the cat is here because of them.


And here is our cute little Pomeranian Kodi patrolling the back yard.


And a robin checking things out.


And a squirrel checking the camera out.


And the old guy that lives here mowing the yard finally after a prolonged rainy hot period.


And a squirrel rocking his tail in the sun making it look like a feather.


I went hiking at Oxley Nature Center and brought my superzoom camera. It had a depleted battery and this is the only shot I got but I liked it.

Went on a bike ride and met these ladies. A little on the heavy side but they carry their weight well.

Went walking at Lafortune Park and checked out “The Herd.” I still love that little red dog trying to keep up with its mom.

Also on my walk at Lafortune I had to check out the Golfapottamus at the golf course driving range.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.