Tag Archives: Cats

Backyard Critters and More


A possum skulking about at 3 in the morning.


A bunny checking out the trailcam


Another sighting of the black and white cat. I’ve seen a few mice in our yard so I’m guessing that the cat is here because of them.


And here is our cute little Pomeranian Kodi patrolling the back yard.


And a robin checking things out.


And a squirrel checking the camera out.


And the old guy that lives here mowing the yard finally after a prolonged rainy hot period.


And a squirrel rocking his tail in the sun making it look like a feather.


I went hiking at Oxley Nature Center and brought my superzoom camera. It had a depleted battery and this is the only shot I got but I liked it.

Went on a bike ride and met these ladies. A little on the heavy side but they carry their weight well.

Went walking at Lafortune Park and checked out “The Herd.” I still love that little red dog trying to keep up with its mom.

Also on my walk at Lafortune I had to check out the Golfapottamus at the golf course driving range.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Kodi and Lizzie

Here’s Lizzie, our Christmas kitten. She has always loved Christmas. She likes to lay under the tree when the lights are on. When she is younger she used to climb up into the tree and so we had to perform a “Catectomy” pulling out of the tree.

And Kodi the Pomeranian. He loves to play.

He loves my wife. This is what he does when she leaves the house for any reason.

He loves walking so we do that a lot.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters

Saturday’s Critters – at Home

Kodi with his Thanksgiving tie

Here’s our one year old pomeranian, Kodi. He was kind of shaggy so he went to the groomer today and he got all trimmed up and got a special Thanksgiving tie to boot. He tore it off very quickly but we got a photo of him.


Here he is in the back yard. He loves picking up acorns and bringing them inside to trade for a treat.


And a black and white cat who shows up when it is dark.


And sometimes in broad daylight.


And a first sighting for this light colored cat.


And of course squirrels. We are inundated with them.

And I’m linking this week with Saturday’s Critters

Mainly Backyard Critters

Kodi being silly

Here’s a backyard cam of Kodi licking his nose.

Alan playing with Kodi in the back yard

And then playing with him.


We have a tennis ball in the back yard. He loves chasing it all over the place.


At night other critters come out. I have seen this bunny during the day.


The way the eyes light up is spooky!!


Lately we have this black and white cat checking things out. We still have people in the neighborhood who turn their cats loose and there are several feral cats outside as well.

Hey, a non-trailcam shot of some geese at a local park.

That’s all I got this week!! I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters

Saturday’s Critters – This Week


I went hiking on Turkey Mountain earlier this week. I encountered, several times, a family of three or four deer. This was the best photo I got. Lots of trees made focusing difficult. I love seeing deer in the woods.

And I saw this butterfly. Google tells me that it is a Red Admiral.


And I was walking along and I heard a woodpecker up in the trees. I looked and looked and saw this one but he wouldn’t stay still very long. Sorry for the grainy cropped shot.


And here is our Pomeranian Kodi. He’s cute as all get out and likes me 95% of the time but watch out for the other 5%.

I woke Lizzy the cat up from a nap the other day. She was not amused.


And I captured the image of this little bunny in our backyard early Friday morning. We have a lot of hawks in the neighborhood and they feast on little bunnies.

And speaking of feasting we have a bunch of squirrels this season. Watch out little dudes!!

Kodi loves going places so we took him on a hike at Ray Harrall Nature center. He did two miles and never slowed down. His little feet were moving fast.

And that is my critter report this week. I am linking with Saturday’s Critters.

White Pelicans and More on the RiverParks Trails

I went on a bike ride the other day on Tulsa’s RiverParks trails. I generally like to take one of my better cameras on the rides in hopes of capturing some critters.


I saw a great blue heron and took a photo through the vegetation along the shoreline.

Later on, on I came across this rookery of American White Pelicans on a sandbar out on the river.


There were a bunch of them and they were very skittish as I walked around trying to get a photo through the trees and brush so I didn’t try and work my way to the riverbank to get better photos. I figured they would all split if I tried that.


So I moved back and forth trying to see what I could do. These are not too bad.


They always seem to be on the wrong side of the river from me but this time they were right by me.


Here is a photo of me from my go pro clone camera on my bike. I guess I could have tried to not be so bright and yellow.

And by the way, I saw more evidence of beavers along the river.

And now on the home front. This is Lizzie the Kitten. She is no longer a kitten but she is still very sweet.

And earlier this week it was National Puppy Day. I celebrated by chasing our Pomeranian puppy Kodi around the house with a broom. He and I both had fun. Please don’t think less of me.

I wore the little guy out. He kind of hops around now when I get the broom out wanting to play some more.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critter’s. Go check it out!

Saturday’s Critters – Live, Artistic, and AI

Went on a walk at Tulsa’s Lafortune Park the other day and a squirrel started chatting me up.

All sorts of geese on the ponds at the park.

And a moose tromping through the decorative grass.

And dogs chasing after birds.

On Groundhog Day, Paxsutawney Kodi went outside and saw his shadow. Lots more winter coming he reports.

Kodi and his kitty sister Lizzie love to play and wrestle each other around.

Here’s an AI version of a Pomeranian dog.

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Critters – Wild and Domestic

On a recent hike on Turkey Mountain I found this tree that had been cut down. I am thinking that it may be a beaver.

And on a different area of the mountain I found this beaver cut that somebody had decorated with gold leaf. What a lot of work! Lots of people have posted this on social media so I joined the crowd.


And from the trail cam in the back yard I got several photos of rabbits. Or least their ears and one eye.


I captured images of squirrels as well.


Here is a guy practicing his toe hold and doing a vertical yoga updog stretch (or upsquirrel?)

Our little Pomeranian Kodi continues to grow and bond with us. He is very smart and when in the right mood, obedient, but most of the time he just wants his way. I kind of get that.

He and Lizzie, his older sister are becoming friends. We call her Nanny because she keeps a close eye on him. When she gets tired of him she just jumps up on a chair and Kodi cries at her.

And that’s a wrap for today. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Lots of talented blogger/photographers post there, and me. Check it out.

Cats in the House

Here is Lizzie doing what she does best, napping. She was impatient with us as we put a Christmas quilt on the bed. We were delaying her nap. You can tell she is kind of grumpy about it.

I vacuumed the house yesterday. When I found cat toys underneath furniture I’d vacuum off the dust bunny’s and put them in this tray. She always like to see her toys again. But then she loses them. She’s napping here using a coaster for a pillow. Our vet told us she needed to go on a diet. Only two scoops of kibble per day. She thinks I need to use a bigger scoop.

Here’s LJ chilling. He’s happy, the vet said he could have all the food he wants. He’s kind of old and has kidney problems and he’s loving his new food. He has a lot more energy now.

Here’s LJ with a Hipstamatic Filter. I filters of all types. I unashamedly and unembarrassingly use a lot of them.

That’s it for this week. Check out Saturday’s Critters!