Skywatch Friday – Still Looking Up!

Things change fast around here in northeast Oklahoma. Just a few days ago it was freezing and we had snow on the ground.

And then it warmed up! Way past my sweet spot. My sweet spot in the winter is in the 40’s. It keeps the snakes brumating and the ticks and chiggers at bay.

So it has been pleasant the past few days.

On Valentines Day Heather and I spent the afternoon together. We toured Philbrook Museums galleries and gardens, lunched at the tony Utica Square shopping center and then shopped at Trader Joe’s.

Today, son Logan and I hiked two miles and change on Tulsa’s Turkey Mountain. It was glorious.

I saw this strange double bent tree. My bet is that it is haunted. Turkey Mountain has a long history of outlaws, moonshiners, fourtune hunters, drug labbers, railroaders, ranchers, and worst of all oilfield workers (aka oilfield trash.) So yeah, there is a lot of haunting going on.

They are busy at even more things to play on the mountain. We chatted with the guy building this thing. He and his 87 year grandfather are working on it. It’s going to be for mountain bikers. It looks like a crappy way to die to me.

So that is it for this week. I’m linking with Skywatch Friday.

19 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – Still Looking Up!

  1. Carol

    The weather can be crazy at times – cold, warms up, really cold, etc. I like your photos – hope you find your sweet spot for more adventures.

  2. Masha

    Looks like perfect pre-spring days (we had a lot of gray here). The thing in the last is not for me!
    My favorite photo is #3.
    Would like to reat a nouvel about Turkey Montain.
    Have a nice weekend

  3. Eileen

    The weather here is crazy, warm one day and the next it’s freezing.
    We may get some more snow tonight into tomorrow morning.
    I like the shot of the trees and reflections.
    Great photos of you and your family.
    That trail for the bikers looks weird.
    Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Penelope Notes

    Haha … the track looks a bit treacherous but probably exciting to bike riders. The sun streak through the trees and picture perfect Valentine selfie were particularly nice to see. 🙂

  5. Alana

    Puddles, snow, blue skies, haunted history. It proves the saying “Don’t Like the Weather? Wait 5 minutes and it will change” . Haunted History sounds like a documentary idea for History Channel so I had to look online and there are various such series. Wonder if one ever did a history of Turkey Mountain? So I had to look and there’s a video on You Tube on Turkey Mountain’s haunted trail. Maybe, when I have time, I’ll watch it although I’m not sure it was what you were thinking of.

  6. Lisa

    Yeah, it looks haunted. I wouldn’t want to be out in nature and run across that bike contraption/wood thingy. Fun for them, but I like the looks of those rocks.

  7. A ShutterBug Explores

    Lovely sky shots from various directions ~ quite the hike ~ sweet selfie of you and Heather ~ and photo of Logan ~ thanks ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Pat

    We have had snowfall every week in February! March is supposed to be Colorado’s snowiest month so time will tell.
    You are right–that bike obstacle does not look too safe right now!

    Logan looks happy to be out hiking with you!

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