Critter Photowalk Around Lafortune Park

I posted earlier this week about a photowalk I took around Tulsa’s Lafortune Park. I saved my animal pics I captured on the walk for Saturday’s Crittes.


One Goose by Land


Two Geese by uh well, pond.


A squirrel sniffing the dirt


A Yellow Crowned Night Heron (I think, feel free to correct if I am wrong).


And a lonely duck.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters

12 thoughts on “Critter Photowalk Around Lafortune Park

  1. Debbie

    i almost always save any critter i have for saturday, i always want to be able to participate. i looked the heron up in my book and it looks to me like you are correct, eileen will know for sure. a great selection of critters!!

  2. Breathtaking

    Hello :=)
    You are correct with your ID. It is a Yellow-crowned Night Heron, and I enjoyed seeing the other water fowl as well and the squirrel.
    All the best

  3. Lavender+Dreams

    How amazing to see the night heron. We have them here but it’s rare to see one! Wonderful photos. I hope you’ve not had the bad weather this weekend. What terrible storms through your part of the country! Stay safe!

  4. Ellen

    You always have good luck with your critter encounters. That heron is really special. I’ll miss seeing the blue herons and ravens in Yellowstone this summer.

  5. Eileen

    Hello Yogi
    Sorry I am late visiting and commenting.
    Great series, a nice collection of critters and photos.
    The YC Night Heron is my favorite. The ducks and geese and the squirrel are great too.
    Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.
    PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

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