Skywatch Friday – Mountain Fork River

The family went on a little mini-vacation to Oklahoma’s beautiful Beavers Bend State Park where we went hiking, kayaking, and other fun activities. Above was from a kayak outing down the Mountain Fork River in the park. It may not fit what your idea of Oklahoma is. It’s not all cows, wheatfields, and windmills.

I’m linking with Skywatch Friday

14 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – Mountain Fork River

  1. Lisa

    You’re right! I think of Oklahoma as dry. Isn’t that what we were taught in American History? Just a dust bowl.
    That’s a very pretty river, calm.

  2. Eileen

    Sound like a fun trip. The scene and park look pretty.
    Take care, have a great day and happy Memorial Day weekend.

  3. Alana

    I have never gone kayaking, but I’ve read several posts today mentioning kayaking. Is the universe telling me something? That’s a great, colorful reflection.

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