Backyard Critters and More


A possum skulking about at 3 in the morning.


A bunny checking out the trailcam


Another sighting of the black and white cat. I’ve seen a few mice in our yard so I’m guessing that the cat is here because of them.


And here is our cute little Pomeranian Kodi patrolling the back yard.


And a robin checking things out.


And a squirrel checking the camera out.


And the old guy that lives here mowing the yard finally after a prolonged rainy hot period.


And a squirrel rocking his tail in the sun making it look like a feather.


I went hiking at Oxley Nature Center and brought my superzoom camera. It had a depleted battery and this is the only shot I got but I liked it.

Went on a bike ride and met these ladies. A little on the heavy side but they carry their weight well.

Went walking at Lafortune Park and checked out “The Herd.” I still love that little red dog trying to keep up with its mom.

Also on my walk at Lafortune I had to check out the Golfapottamus at the golf course driving range.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.

10 thoughts on “Backyard Critters and More

  1. A ShutterBug Explores

    Favorite ‘critter’ is Kodi ~ deer is lovely too ~ great post and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    carol l mckenna
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Eileen

    A wonderful variety of critters today! My favorites are Kodi, the Robin, the deer and cows. The bison sculptures are wonderful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Lisa

    How fun to see all the critters in your yard! I know a raccoon comes onto my carport some nights to eat the stray cat’s food. I know by the water being dirtied and full of soggy kibble where the raccoon dipped them. I saw a young one once, I startled it, and it waddled slowly past the door glaring at me!

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