With the cold and my bum knee I have not had too many adventures yet.
I got up the morning of January 9 and this is what the sky was like. I didn’t use a filter. It was amazing.
And then this is what the snow brought. I actually liked it. We had enough to where it made everything pretty but it melted fast enough to not be a problem.
And on January 11 I captured the Wolf Moon a little early. You can tell by the fuzzy lower left corner that it was still waxing. I think January 13 was the night of the actual full moon.
I worked another jigsaw puzzle. I did the google images on this photo and I got no hits so it must be AI or some other made-up thing. This wasn’t too hard. I did the edge pieces simultaneously the edges of the two sky sections A great way to spend the evening. My favorite parts were the mesa to the left and the galvanized roof to the right.
Be thinking of me. Tomorrow my wife and I are visiting my surgeon to find out about scheduling a knee replacement. I’m kind of dreading it but things are continuing to hurt more and more so something has to give.
I am linking with Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World.
…that morning sure was memorable!
These are great photos and so sorry to hear about your knee. I am wondering about the same thing as right now I am in physiotherapy for mine and have had to cut out any walking. I will be sending you lots of good thoughts for yours.
Really sorry to hear about your knee. I’m dealing with tendonitis in my right knee at the moment. Makes you really appreciate health when you are on the mend. We just got a new cabinet painting in our kitchen so it’s at least been more enjoyable being inside more. Good luck with everything!
The sky looks so vibrant but you sure do get alot of snow.
The perfect kind of snow, picturesque, here today and gone tomorrow. 🙂 No one looks forward to surgery but I know folks who gained so much more mobility and joy after a knee replacement.
Beautiful sky.
I love your beautiful sky – a great way to start the day.
Thoughts and prayers, Alan. Let us know what you find out about your knee. Such a difficult decision. I have chronically sore arthritic hips that keep me from hiking longer distances. I asked my primary care doc “When will I know when it’s time to get a hip replacement?” He said “Oh, you will know. When it becomes so painful that you can’t walk or get a good nights sleep, it’s time.” Not something I am looking forward to. Pass the ice!
Stunning sky, snow pic looks amazing. Great photos.
Bella imagen. Te mando un beso.
Beautiful captures!
Best wishes for the surgery.
I love the colours in your sky.
The sky is beautiful. Prayers for the morning visit.
Great shots! Good luck with the knee.
I haven’t been able to take it easy in spite of having a sprained knee. I live alone except for the dog, and he needs to be walked, which is tricky because there’s still icy spots out there. Now I’m having some hip pain and I know it’s because I’ve been limping.
Firy sky. Wishing you quick recovery
Sending prayers and good wishes for you and your knee surgery!
Your sunrise photo is gorgeous, love the pretty snow image.
My favorite snow days are the one when the snow melts right away.
Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!
Those first two pictures were stunning in their own ways. Re the knee replacement, I’ll be thinking of you. Alana ramblinwitham
What a beautiful sky !
The colors are just stunning.
I hope your knee appointment goes well tomorrow, and sending you good thoughts for the surgery and recovery.
Take care!
What gorgeous sky captures, Alan! Nice post.
Sorry to hear about the knee surgery. Sending you prayers and loads of healing energy for a super speedy recovery, so you can get back to your fittest self again.
Best wishes!
That’s my kind of snow. Lasts long enough to take photos, and be gone! That’s usually what I get, if we get any. Usually a day or two a year. None yet, but it was March a few years ago.
Colorful sky shot ~ snow does look pretty but don’t need a lot of it ~ We just got a new snow fall ~ makes it hard to walk when ground is snowy and icy ~ ready for Spring ~ thanks,
Wishing you good health,laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)