Another wildlife art themed Adventure Lab Geocache popped up on the Tulsa RiverParks so I ventured out there on a cold day to figure it out.
It was done by the same guy that did another one a couple months ago. So you key on these wildlife sculptures, and you have to get some information from the accompanying plaque to prove you were there. Also, you get a clue to a real geocache in a container.
So I hobbled up and down the RiverParks trails chasing down these clues.
A bald eagle. I have seen real ones cruising up and down the river and perched on logs in the river.
I did spot a hawk looking for his lunch.
And I saw white bird, maybe a seagull, I don’t know flying up ther river.
So I got my certificate that I completed the cache. I was also the “First to Find” for it. That is a big deal to us nerdy types. I found the real associated cache and was the FTF for it as well. It felt good to get out of the house after the stretch of nasty weather we had.
I still have my bird camera going. I get over 120 hits and day. I’m going to say literally 95% are house sparrow, 3% are juncos, 1% are dove, and 1% are squirrels. So here is a one minute video of selected birds for the past week.
That is it this week. I hope everyone is doing well.
Impressive statues and I particularly liked the one of The Moose and Me. I always admire the talent these artists have. Congrats on being the first to find your cache. Seeing your photos and video was fun.
I love your bird cam video, looks fun. I saw you at the end too.
I love all the sculptures, I would enjoy seeing all them myself.
Great captures of the Hawk and Gull.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.
Son estatuas muy lindas. Te mando un beso.
Wow, those sculptures are incredible!
One more and it would be the moose and three. Beatuiful and realistic sculptures.
Interesting bird at the 36 second mark. That first sure noticed Kodi wandering by.
I know I would love doing the geocache searches! I’ve met a few people doing that along some of the trails I’ve been to. One of these days! And you look nothing like that moose…hahahaha! Have fun!