RiverParks Art Themed Adventure Lab Geocaching

Another wildlife art themed Adventure Lab Geocache popped up on the Tulsa RiverParks so I ventured out there on a cold day to figure it out.

Mountain Goat

It was done by the same guy that did another one a couple months ago. So you key on these wildlife sculptures, and you have to get some information from the accompanying plaque to prove you were there. Also, you get a clue to a real geocache in a container.

The Moose and Me – could be a book title.
Mountain Lion

So I hobbled up and down the RiverParks trails chasing down these clues.


A bald eagle. I have seen real ones cruising up and down the river and perched on logs in the river.

I did spot a hawk looking for his lunch.

And I saw white bird, maybe a seagull, I don’t know flying up ther river.

So I got my certificate that I completed the cache. I was also the “First to Find” for it. That is a big deal to us nerdy types. I found the real associated cache and was the FTF for it as well. It felt good to get out of the house after the stretch of nasty weather we had.

I still have my bird camera going. I get over 120 hits and day. I’m going to say literally 95% are house sparrow, 3% are juncos, 1% are dove, and 1% are squirrels. So here is a one minute video of selected birds for the past week.

That is it this week. I hope everyone is doing well.

Saturday’s Critters

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7 thoughts on “RiverParks Art Themed Adventure Lab Geocaching

  1. DeniseinVA

    Impressive statues and I particularly liked the one of The Moose and Me. I always admire the talent these artists have. Congrats on being the first to find your cache. Seeing your photos and video was fun.

  2. Eileen

    I love your bird cam video, looks fun. I saw you at the end too.
    I love all the sculptures, I would enjoy seeing all them myself.
    Great captures of the Hawk and Gull.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Lavender+Dreams

    I know I would love doing the geocache searches! I’ve met a few people doing that along some of the trails I’ve been to. One of these days! And you look nothing like that moose…hahahaha! Have fun!

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