The other day we had a lot of fog in the neighborhood, and I liked the way the streetlight near our house looked so I attempted an artsy shot to capture what it looked like. I didn’t really succeed in what I was trying but I liked the shot anyway.
The streetlight cast a shadow I hadn’t even noticed when I took the shot. It made a shadow out of the adjacent stop sign. So even though I didn’t get what I was wanting, I am happy with the shadow I captured.
Also with shadows, today is Groundhog Day. We don’t have a groundhog but we got two chunky critters. Kodi,
And Lizzy,
They both saw their shadow. So I guess that we are going to have six more weeks of winter. You folks in the southern hemisphere, I guess you get six more weeks of summer, I don’t know how that works.
I am linking with ShadowShot Sunday
I absolutely love your fog picture. It looks like the stop sign is casting a spotlight. So, you didn’t get what you wanted but you still got something special – success! That’s an interesting question re the Southern Hemisphere. What day do they use for animals predicting winter – August 2? Australians don’t have groundhogs in their country so do they use a different animal? Or are they smart enough not to depend on an animal to predict the weather? I found an article online but it was behind a paywall.
Creative photo of the shadows and light ~ and of course Kodi and Lizzie are adorable in their shadows ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Me encnato esa foto parece de película de terror. Te mando un beso.
That first is amazing! It’s like the stop sign is shining a shadow. The other two cast adorable shadows! Earlier today I read the Oregon Zoo had a Pygmy African hedgehog forecast an early spring, but that must have been in some weird parallel universe, as they have a regular beaver meteorologist, Stumptown Fil, or Filbert. He agreed with the official Phil, more winter.
(Actually, I found the hedgehog article, it was from ten years ago! I didn’t check the date.)
Lovable kitty and puppy.
That first shot may not have what you planned but it still looks pretty cool.
That’s a great shot! I love it! Have a great week. Take care.
I like your chunky critters, they are so cute, I’m sure Spring will be there for you soon.