March – In like a Lion, out like a Lamb, or something like that

BA Dog Park

That’s a saying about Oklahoma that I heard the whole time I have lived here, could apply to Texas as well where I lived before. March can be very mild and it can be bitterly cold. We’ve had both types of days this March.

The worst are the warm, dry, very windy days. That is when we get lots of grass fires. We get a lot of rain in northeast Oklahoma which means that at the end of winter we have all sorts of dead and dormant grass on the ground and it doesn’t take much to set it ablaze. Lots of huge acreage burned, almost 200 homes burned so far this spring.

And then we get the bitterly cold days. I hate those. March is such a heart breaker.

Heather, to the left, and Kodi, (the brown dot to the right of Heather, at a dog park.

Warm days we take our dog Kodi to the dog park. He has gone from being scared and hostile of other dogs to where he is now a social butterfly with both dogs and people. What changed? We don’t know but we love seeing it.

How is your March going so far?

Skywatch Friday

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20 thoughts on “March – In like a Lion, out like a Lamb, or something like that

  1. Alana

    I was never afraid of wildfires where I live. Given that we’ve had fires even in my native New York City (which has a lot more trees and vegetation in the outer boroughs than many visitors realize) this winter, I have some worries now. We’ve had some beautiful days. Windy and warm (fire danger) and then winter returns. I just hope the snow is gone for good.

  2. Carol

    Florida has a similar problem in the late winter /spring, as it is the end of the dry season. There is lots of dead vegetation. Consequently, there can be fires almost anywhere in Florida. When I lived in South Florida there would be fires in the dry Everglades with smoke blowing towards us. In Central Florida there are lots of woody areas that can catch fire. I’m always glad when the rainy season starts by end of April or beginning of May.

  3. Lisa

    I know too well how those fires go. It’s too early for here, we’re very wet, but come summer… it’s one of the reasons I won’t be planting as many vegetables this year. Too hot and too much wildfire smoke setting in the valley.
    The park near me will have a dog park, a small one. Maybe I’ll give it a try. Mickey is iffy with other dogs. Some are fine and some aren’t, and only he knows which is which. He’s been jumped twice by “he’s friendly” dogs, so he may not trust any of them.

  4. Ellen

    It’s fire season here too. Today we had another pop up in the area but the wild land firefighters got it under control quickly. It looks like OK is having a tough fire season. Kodi must have decided he needs to see some new faces and make new friends.

  5. Joyful

    I heard about the fires on the news. It’s very sad when peoples homes and livelihoods are wiped out. Keep safe. The sky in the second to last photo is very dramatic and my favourite pic of the series. Take care.

  6. A ShutterBug Explores

    Just another thing that we have no control over ~ make the best of each day is what I try to do ~ try being the key word ~ Lovely photos

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Eileen

    It is great you are getting out for walks. I hope you are recovering well!
    Kodi must like the dog park. Our weather is the same cold and windy today, feels like it is in the 20’s.
    Take care, have a great day!


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