I found Doaksville, Oklahoma last week during a trip to southeast Oklahoma. I had never heard of Doaksville and found it only because I was looking for a geocache. I love serendipity and this is a good example why.
Doaksville was once the biggest city in is now Oklahoma. It was started as a trading post by Josiah Doaks in the 1820’s. It grew quickly and for a time was the Choctaw Tribal Capital. The Civil War started its decline and it became a ghost town by 1900. In the mid 1990’s the Oklahoma Historical Society did extensive archeological excavations of many of the former structures. The site is now well maintained and has excellent interpretive displays.
To get to Doaksville you walk through the massive Doaksville Cemetery. It is very easy for me to get distracted by old cemeteries.

A plaque commerating the surrender of General Stand Watie. A Cherokee born in Calhoun, Georgia. A wealthy plantation owning slaveholder. Supported Cherokee removal to Indian Territory. For a time he was Principal Chief of the Cherokees. Led the First Indian Brigade of the Confederate Army. Fought Union troops in Arkansas, Indian Territory, Missouri, Kansas, and Texas. He also fought fellow Indians who did not support the Confederacy. Surrendered to Union troops after the battle of Doaksville.
What a very interesting post with great pictures.
Fascinating post! And your photos are terrific! Love being to find places like this! Have a thing about history anyway! Thanks for all the info!
This is an interesting post esp of that young boy. yeah, who’s lonzo? 🙂 Thanks for the visit.
Great story, Yogi. I, too, am fascinated by old cemeteries. The gravestones are so ornate. Glad you also found your cache!
This was so touching. Gravestones are morbidly fascinating I have to admit.
Doaksville and its history is fascinating. That’s a place I’d love to visit. If I’m ever driving across country, I’m looking it up.
Wow, who knew about Doaksville? If you ever get to Wyoming you might like South Pass. It’s not a ghost town but there are a lot of cool old restored buildings. It was a silver mining town way back when and another fascinating place to visit.
Great shots there Yogi!! Never heard of Doaksville. You didn’t get creeped out walking through that old ghost town?
Seems like such a lonely place. I wonder sometimes how history gets lost–and it does despite our best efforts to preserve it.
These are wonderful photos. Thanks for taking us along.
Your geocaching takes you to some interesting places. Gret post. My hubby loves his GPS but I can’t get him interested in geocaching, it looks like fun.
What a great find. Ruins are always interesting and you made it more so by the great info.
old cemetaries are so fascinating
thanks for sharing your world with us.
Glad you went hunting. Got yourself good shots and a great post.
Yogi: What a neat post with the cemetary and the old tavern. thanks for sharing with My World.
looks like a place i would stop and explore…great captures.
I love old cemeteries … wonderful stories and art work! Doaksville is quite a place. So glad you stumbled on it and shared it with us.
Such a great post and photos. I too love geocaching and graveyards and explore them when ever I can. On an island like Haida Gwaii with not a lot of information about it I have found educational geocaches have been a great way to help people explore without getting lost(hopefully!)Thank you so much for sharing your adventures. Have a great weekend.
I just wanted to say that I grew up within a quarter mile of Doaksville. I have some very interesting pictures of this place. I spent many hours in my youth expoloring the old town, and even spent about 1 hour pointing out different structures and mapping out different places of doaksville to the historians there on the dig. I have many fond memories of the town and am very glad to see that you have enjoyed this wonderful piece of history.