Even more Shots of Short

I have really not kept up on my short story reading in a while for the “100 Shots of Short” Reading Challenge. Following is an update.

The Limner” by Julian Barnes -A limner is a portratist. In this case a deaf man who travels the country on his mare painting portraits of those who hire him. He has been hired by a customs collector, a pompous oaf, who desires “more dignity” in his portrait while mistreating not only the limner but the family and hired help. The story is about dignity, communicatin, and consequences. A big Thumbs Up on this story.

“Al Roosten” by George Saunders -Al Roosten is a loser. We meet him as he is about to go down the runway in a Gondolier outfit at a celebrity auction behind Larry Donfrey who is wearing just a swimsuit. Larry is a wineer, Al is a loser. This is a story about male anxiety. An anxious ridden Thumbs Sideways on this.

“The Slows” by Gail Haraven – A chilling sci-fi piece about a scientist studying “Slows” in “the Preserve.” Slows are humans who resist A.O.G. (“Accelerated Offspring Birth”). A big Thumbs Up on this.

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