Halloween Party

Last week I was working on this: It caused a lot of people to stare from the street wondering what is going on.

It turned into a Halloween Game. After decorating by the school moms.

The object of the game is to throw rolls of toilet paper into the pot.
It was a big hit. The boys kept hitting the seat though. What is up with that?

I wanted to use another toilet seat over a punch bowl with lemonade. I was the only one who thought that was a good idea. So it didn’t happen.

Sweetie made costumes.
SuperPizzaBoy was Link (a video game character from
the Zelda series.)

Sweetie and I were Mario and Luigi. She did a great job.
(No mean comments about the L on my forehead allowed)

I liked the bib overalls especially. They are comfortable.
No belt. I’ll be wearing them a lot.