We just got back from a family reunion in Island Park, Idaho. Above from left to right is SuperPizzaBoy, sister Ellen, brother Bob, Sweetie, and bil Irv. As you can see the weather was nice where we are but there was a sinister looking cloud over in what I calculate to be Yellowstone Park not too far from where we were.

Yes, sinister, but beautiful!
Oh, WOW! Scary, but beautiful indeed! Hope you and your family have a great 4th!!
That sky look ominous.
The colour of the sky is absolutely gorgeous…but what happened next? Was it scary?
Amazing colours! Like fairtale shades.
I think it’s beautiful! That’s a place in Idaho I don’t know, gotta’ look it up.
what a great pic! 🙂
Gorgeous sky and colors, lovely capture. I love visiting that area, so pretty. Thanks for hosting, happy 4th of July!
What an amazing sky and colorful shirts on everyone, looks like a fun family outing!
Hmmm, maybe I can use that picture for the cover of my new book. It’s about getting ready for Yellowstone blowing up.
Really intense colors.
Happy 4th of July!
Lea’s Menagerie
Stunning shot. Almost looks like a painting.
Wow, what a great shot!
Nice shot of colorful sky.
Wow, such a beautiful and colorful sky…
Yellowstone is on my bucket list.
Unusual but amazing clouds.
Vibrant sky!
That sky is so lovely .. .and pink!
That cloud formation is formidable and if I were to attempt to paint the sky, then I reckon my teacher would say “impossible colours”.
How lovely to have family to meet up with – I’m envious, being an only one.
That is an amazing sky capture. The colors are surreal.
Wow ..wonder what it was .. some of the smoke or ash from the fires?
Looks lime a great spot to enjoy outdoors! Hope there wasn’t fire in Yellowstone.
Hope that’s a big thunderhead and not a fire cloud. Beautiful sky!