Sunday Scavenger Hunt

Another Sunday, another edition of what is becoming one of my favorite memes “Scavenger Hunt Sunday.”

So lets get going for my finds for this week.

1.Water Drops or Water Flowing

Philbrook Water Drops

We are members of Tulsa’s Philbrook Museum. I have been there lots of times and every time I go I see something new. There is lots of water features in the gardens of the museum including fountains. I became interested in the splashing drops of one of the fountains the last time I was there. There is something about water that soothes the soul.


An Angel of Adoration

I also paid some attention to this Terra Cotta angel. It is Italian and is almost 500 years old. It is not known where it was originally installed but it is believed that that it and its twin flanked an altar at a church.

(Philbrook Museum, probably from Santi Buglioni, 1520)

3.Then and Now


Back in April I joined my brother, sister, and father in Payson, Arizona where we used to live back in the late 50’s and early 60’s. We lived in this house. It was owned by the US Forest Service and was an exact twin of the house we lived in previously in Coyote, New Mexico. It was a shock to see it still standing and still in use, but as an office not a house.



Hey we live in Tulsa, the Praying Hands have the most famous fingers in town. I like this shot because it looks like the hand is pressing its fingers against a mirror.

5.One Item from the Bucket List: Hay Ride!!

Hayride 9

The Hay Ride is what I picked from the Bucket List. These guys are seniors last year at our son’s high school. At the school’s hay ride last year these guys and some compadres staged an attack on the hay ride that led to many screams and much hilarity. They were kind of enough to let me take their picture.

This year’s version was Friday night. Sorry to say this year’s seniors didn’t scare anybody. Sorry guys, it is hard to scare people who expect to be scared.

Well that’s it for this week’s version. Check out the other participants finds, they are very creative!

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

11 thoughts on “Sunday Scavenger Hunt

  1. Lois Evensen

    Now, that was fun! Your water drops are fantastic. The Praying Hands remind me of a similar sculpture just North of us, except it was huge arms open wide and stretching heavenward as if someone is lying in a grave with their hands sticking out of the ground. The kids called it the “Touchdown Jesus.” It was hit by lightning and totally destroyed over a year ago. Hmmm. Perhaps there was a message there?

  2. Gaelyn

    This certainly is a challenging meme. Love the water droplets shot. That old FS house has a familiar look. And the famous Praying Hands do look like they are pressed against a mirror. Fine job for this week.

  3. Sylvia K

    Oh, you did get great ones for the day!! Love those water droplets and the praying hands do indeed look as thought they’re pressed against a mirror!! You are so clever!!

  4. Saun

    Nicely done, I like your fingertips and your waterdroplets. Here in Ohio we have a huge Jesus walking out of the water. They used to have Jesus with his hands stretched out people called him Touchdown Jesus or butter Jesus. He got hit by lightning and burned to the ground.

  5. G. W. Bill Miller

    The scavenger hunt meme looks interesting. I should check it out.
    The praying hands is an attractive and unusual work. I was done in Mexico as I recall. At the time they were first installed there was a rumor that is you laid a #20 bill on the ground in front that one of the hands would reach down and pick it up. I never tested it to find out if the rumor was true.

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