The Autism Revolution is an extraordinary book. It is a book written by a Martha Herbert, MD, PhD a Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and Karen Weintraub, a journalist. The book is extraordinary because the authors step beyond the research to talk about what they see and what they think about autism and how to treat it. They discusses the research into the causes of autism and how inconclusive they are. Yes there is a genetic component but it is much more complicated than one would think.
They gives strategies about what parents can do now, mainly the environmental and nutrition factors that can be influenced to maybe ameliorate the effects of autism. They concentrates on basic things that can do no harm such as eating a varied organic diet rich in fruits and vegetables and selected supplements. They admit freely that she is running ahead of the science in these matters.
I’m a hard edged guy when it comes to research and really prefer peer reviewed double blind crossover studies to anecdotal parent observations but you know something our kids are not science experiments and complicated genetic data doesn’t matter to most parents what they want to know is how they can help their kids now. This book gives some ideas for parents on how to help their kids and the advice given certainly won’t hurt anybody. The approach taken is that autism is something that needs to be “worked.” Something that most parents, especially the moms, understand
I give five stars out of five to this book. We got ours at the library but we are going get our own copy.
There is a companion web site to the book called AutismWhyAndHow. Lots of good information there.
I honestly don’t know what to say to your blog. However, a book with a five star rating must be a help to you and Sweetie. Good luck.
Sounds like a terrific book! I know it will be a great and helpful source to add to your library! I wish all parents of autistic children could be as open, as loving, as supportive and giving as you and Sweetie are for SPB! Both of you are a wonderful example for all parents!
You and Sweetie and SPB are an amazing family, and great role models for us out here.
I’m checking it out right.
ps. could you send me the PETA ‘view’? hehehehehehe
I agree with Denise’s comment above, you three are absolutely amazing! This sounds like a great resource.
You are so right. Much damage has been done by listening to parents who haven’t done research. They get press, which is sad, as it gives false information. Good for you!
Cheers from Cottage Country!
The dietary suggestions are good for all of us, as are the love and support that you pour out on SPB.
You and Sweetie are awesome parents giving SPB the best possible childhood .. filled with love!