Parting Shots

We traveled down to north Texas. We had a little time to kill so we parked in a cemetery. (No I didn’t go geocaching.) I took some photographs of some of the gravestones. I love old graves.  They often reflect a hard life.


A dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit or the messenger of God.


I see a lot of hands like this on graves. Using the old Google it seems that it can symbolize a last goodbye. It can also symbolize a passing of a spirit to heaven with a previously deceased spouse holding the hand of the recently deceased to help in the process. You can tell who died first by looking at the cuffs. Here it looks like the husband died first and is holding the hand of his wife as her spirit passes into heaven.


The hand pointing upward represents the ascension to Heaven. Myself, I plan on having a geoache near where I am buried. My finger is going to pointing to where it is hidden.


A Book represents a Bible, used to indicate a very devout person, sometimes it used for ministers.


A lamb used a lot on children’s graves, and in old cemeteries there are lots of children’s graves. The lamb represents innocence.

For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 

2 Corinthians 5:1

Perfect Pairings

13 thoughts on “Parting Shots

  1. Sylvia K

    Fascinating old cemetery and great shots! I loved the ones I visited in New Orleans, so much history! This one reminds me of those. And, of course, your planning on a a geocache near years almost made my spew my coffee on my keyboard! Have a good day!!


  2. Denise

    I enjoyed learning about the symbolism on these headstones. I have always found cemeteries very peaceful places to walk around, with a lot of history in those old headstones.

  3. Gaelyn

    These old headstones would be wonderful for rubbings. Interesting to know what the symbols stand for.

    I want my ashes spread to the wind.

  4. Barb

    The old gravestones seem to tell a story. I like the idea you have for your own. Geocaching even when deceased! There’s no stopping you, Yogi!

  5. DrillerAA09

    I spent a little time last week photographing grave markers as well. I think I’m going to save them for a little later in the year.

  6. Daryl Edelstein

    I love cemeteries .. you might like to join the group on FB .. I posted a link to this post at the group page .. Taphophilia with a Splash of Bourbon Supergropup

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