Shadow Shot Sunday – Downtown

The sun is low this time of year, even at noon. It contributes to the cool weather but makes for great shadows.


Cross hatch pattern on the side of a building with an old school fire escape.


Shadow of tree and light pole. I don’t know what kind of tree it is that still has its leaves this late in the year.

Shadowshot Sunday

21 thoughts on “Shadow Shot Sunday – Downtown

  1. Sylvia K

    Terrific shadow shots for the day! Isn’t it amazing where you can and do find shadows once you start looking for them. I never cease to be amazed! Such fun! Hope you and your family have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!


  2. Lois

    I like them both! Around here, of course, there are more trees that still have their leaves than those that don’t.

  3. Gemel

    Short days and long shadows is something I miss, Australia does not have the winters England or USA has, like to view it here though 🙂

  4. LV

    I would be in trouble if I had to use stairs like this today. However, they do make for an interesting shot.

  5. Magical Mystical Teacher

    What intricate patterns the fire escape and its shadows make!


    If I had a shadow the size of the sun,
    I’m not sure how fast I’d be able to run,
    Or if I could flee from its ravenous jaws,
    While keeping away from its razor-sharp claws!

    © 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadows here and there

  6. AVCr8teur

    The shadows from the fire escape make it look like double staircases. It is always fun to hunt for these unique objects when most people probably miss them.

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