Everyday Reflections


I think grocery stores are amazing. Is there anyplace else where we are hammered with such sights? Food is very basic to humans. We need it to survive and there are thousands of products out there all wanting our attention. Buy me! Buy me! Who can resist, especially in  the ice cream aisle.

What aisle can you not resist?

Weekend Reflections

10 thoughts on “Everyday Reflections

  1. DeniseinVA

    Supermarkets are always fun to browse around. I love to go in different ones wherever I go and check them all out to see what they have that we don’t get in our local one. This one looks a lovely store, nice and bright. Great image!

  2. EG CameraGirl

    The fruits and vegetables aisles are my favoutites. I find it hard to resist fresh strawberries, blueberries, oranges, red onions…. The ice cream aisle is a fairly close second. 🙂

    1. Anne Paley

      Fruit aisle for me, followed by closely by the cream cake:-) Typical of my life really, try to eat sensibly and then ruin it by finishing the meal with a bun.
      Whenever I visited my Maui daughter, my favourite place to visit was the supermarket if only to see the different foods stocked.

  3. Karen

    So much choice! But it does make for a good reflection! Once I tried to take a picture in a supermarket and was told off big time? Why? i have no idea!

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